Friday, May 31, 2019

Surplus Conditions, Why Import? Does Not Make Sense!!!

It is common practice that a country always protects its domestic products. Developing and increasing the quality and quantity of domestic products is one of the country's responsibilities in the economic field. It is strange and implausible when a country has a surplus of certain products, but on the other hand it imports similar products. This, of course, besides damaging the economy also directly affects the producers. The easiest example is in food or agricultural products. As an agricultural country producing rice when the surplus is clear, there is no need to import. Rice produced by farmers is not bought as well as sugar cane and so on, if at the same time a surplus such as a harvest is imported similar products. This is an economic murder for these farmers.
When the market goes increasingly liberal, the chances of cheating are also getting bigger. It could be that a country makes a hoax that discredits certain state products to protect the country's products. Especially if this is done by a large influential country. Of course this has a negative impact on the target country products so that the product does not sell well in the market or at a minimum the price falls. The evil trade politics are mostly done to bring down business opponents. Such efforts should not be carried out, but can use other better methods such as providing incentives for producers or users of domestic products. This further encourages the use of domestic products and revives the country's economy without harming other countries.
Recently Korea made a slight revision of the use of wood pellet fuels. Wood pellets produced from within the country are prioritized over imported products. This has encouraged the growth of the wood pellet industry in the country. With the large amount of wood pellet needs, it is very likely that the country will still not be able to meet its needs due to the lack of raw materials related to its natural factors. This is how it keeps them imported. But with this policy, Korea has taken sides with its domestic industry. As more and more countries in the world use wood pellets, wood pellet producers can also choose buyers at the best prices.

Maximizing the Rate of CO2 Absorption from the Atmosphere Based on Biomass

Maximizing the rate of CO2 absorption from the atmosphere is very important considering the rate of addition of CO2 concentration to the a...