Sunday, July 17, 2022

Case Study India: Priority of Biomass Pellet Production Over Biomass Briquette

There are dozens of biomass briquette machine manufacturers in India and almost all of these machine manufacturers use mechanical press technology for the production of these briquettes. With this technology, briquettes will be formed due to mechanical press such as repeated strokes every minute (about 220 strokes per minute). This briquette machine manufacturer industry has also existed for decades in India so that biomass briquette products have also been widely known in India. Technically, there are actually 2 other technologies for the production of biomass briquettes, namely screw press and hydraulic press. Based on the briquette production technology, the briquette product output is also slightly different, for more details, read here.

The Indian government launched a decarbonization program at their coal power plants, recently, namely on October 8, 2021 which ordered the use of 5% to 10% biomass pellets for cofiring at all power plants and took effect in October 2022 or one year is the target time set. For example, in the early stages, the Indian government targeted only 5% for the cofiring ratio in their coal power plants, where the 5% figure when translated into biomass pellet production would reach around 50 million tons of biomass pellets per year. A very large number especially with a very short target time. And with a cofiring ratio of 5%, coal power plants also do not need to modify their equipment even though the biomass pellets used come from agricultural wastes, whose quality is below that of woody biomass.

With the number of power plants reaching about 900 units with an average consumption of 50 thousand tons of biomass pellets per year or a total of almost 50 million tons per year, so that a biomass pellet factory with a capacity of around 5 thousand tons / month seems to be suitable, and even if each factory supplying one power plant, the need for a biomass pellet plant will also be the same as the number of power plants, which is 900 units. A huge amount.

Production of biomass briquettes or biomass pellets?
In India, biomass briquette is indeed more popular than biomass pellets, but for the world level pellets are much more popular than briquette, even in 2021 alone, the need for pellets for global power generation alone is estimated to have reached 23 million tons. In addition, the production or pellet factory in general is also larger than the briquette factory. There are many pellet factories with a capacity of 5 thousand tons or even 10 thousand tons per month, while for briquettes it is very rare for a biomass briquette factory to have a capacity like the pellets above. Pelletisers for pellet production for commercial capacity have a capacity of 3 tons/hour or more, while briquette machines are generally less than 2.5 tons per hour, even for the screw press type the average machine capacity is only 300 kg/hour. Technically, even though they are both products of biomass densification technology with the difference that the size of the briquettes is larger than pellets, the production of briquettes is easier than pellets. 

The driving force from the business side makes biomass pellet production more attractive, especially because of its need as cofiring fuel in coal power plants as part of the decarbonization program. The need for biomass pellets can be a driving force for the production of biomass pellets or in general, namely the economy in various regions. The program should also be able to provide three benefits at once, namely environmental, social and economic. In addition, because briquette products are mainly used for boilers in industry, while pellets are for power generation, both of them also have their own market segments so that there is no market competition.

What about the Briquette Machine Manufacturing Industry?
Dozens of industries producing biomass briquette machines should now see this as an opportunity so that they can respond to it. These industries can adapt by creating a new line of business, namely helping the manufacture of a biomass pellet factory. Technically, the biomass briquette production line with biomass pellets also has many similarities (both use biomass densification technology) with the main difference being the pelletiser and briquetter. A number of equipment that can be made themself will reduce imported machines. Pelletisers are almost certain to be imported, so the selection of pelletisers as the heart of the pellet production process must be of high quality so that the pellet production target can be achieved. In the production of large capacity pellets, a number of equipments come from a number of providers, as is common in wood pellet factories with a more detailed explanation here.

In the long term, the goal is to minimize import spending, and even 100% can be made or fabricated by themself. This effort will usually take longer because the complexity of the pelletiser is higher than that of the briquetter. These briquette machine-producing industries can also cooperate with machine manufacturers in Europe who are more experienced and proven with pellet production as an effort to accelerate the transfer of the technology. Within one year as the target was set, it is very difficult to do this, so the practical effort is to buy a 100% complete line from a proven vendor, or sort out a number of equipment that can be produced yourself as above and gradually substitute the imported equipment. This is because achieving the production target for the decarbonization effort is a priority.

In conclusion, at this time India has to maximize efforts to accelerate the construction of biomass pellet factories to achieve this target. However, 1 year to achieve this target is very difficult. With these conditions in the future, it is possible that power plants in India will import biomass fuels such as wood pellets and PKS (palm kernel shell) to meet their needs. With the planned cofiring ratio, which is the lowest target of 5%, the need for biomass pellets reaches around 50 million tons, if only 2% of the biomass fuel needs are imported, both PKS and / or wood pellets, it will reach 1 million tons, a fixed amount still quite big.

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