Thursday, November 19, 2020

Why Produce Electricity From Biogas Using Gas Engine Generators? Not With Gas Turbine Generators Or Steam Turbine Generators


The need for this type of power plant is always related to capacity, a number of technical factors and the investment costs required. Turbine with generator is a type of generator which is commonly used in industry, especially steam turbine and gas turbine. The grouping of turbine types above is based on the principle of operation and the fluid that moves them. At a palm oil mill, almost all of the electricity is generated from a steam turbine generator. In addition to electricity production, the steam generated from the boiler is also used to process fresh fruit bunches (FFB) to produce crude palm oil or CPO.

Processing of palm oil mill effluent (POME) into biogas and subsequently mostly used for power generation. Almost all of the electricity from biogas is used to meet the needs outside the palm oil mill and the surrounding community. With the potential for palm oil mills in Indonesia that are estimated at more than 1000 units supported by 15 million hectares of palm oil plantations, the potential for electricity generated will be more than 1.5 GW. Approximately 0.7 m3 of liquid waste is produced by the palm oil mill from each tonne of FFB processed. Biogas usually consists of 50-75% methane (CH4), 25-45% carbon dioxide (CO2), and a number of other gases. If wastewater management is not controlled, methane in biogas is released directly into the atmosphere. As a greenhouse gas (GHG) methane has a 21 times greater effect than CO2. The production of electricity from biogas from palm oil mill effluent (pome) is also an effort to reduce environmental hazards. The electricity production from the biogas all uses a gas engine generator and none of them uses a steam engine generator. This is because the production of electricity with steam turbines is not only more complex but also less efficient. The gas engine generator is a power plant that is most suitable for the conversion of biogas to electricity. Gas engines whose engines are similar to gasoline engines, with only the change of fuel into gas (biogas) or similar to vehicle engines such as public buses that run on gas fuel are also more familiar to most people. 

Gas turbine generators are generally used for large capacity power plants. Gas power plants in Indonesia generally use gas turbine generators. Gas turbines are equipment that uses high pressure combustion gases to turn a turbine that can be connected to a generator to generate electricity. Apart from generating power, gas turbines are also used in boats, racing cars and jet planes. The main parts of gas turbines include: compressor, combustion chamber, gas turbine and workload. Each part or segment has a number of critical components which are connected in one axis. During the operation of the gas turbine, some of the power generated by the turbine is used to drive the compressor. The large capacity and technical factors of gas turbine generators make the unit expensive and not used for the production of electricity from biogas. The electricity capacity of biogas from wastewater treatment like POME is not too large, that is, for a palm oil mill with a capacity of 30 tonnes / hour of FFB it will produce about 1 MW of electricity and its multiples. This is the reason why gas engine generators are used in biogas power plants, especially in the palm oil industry.


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