Thursday, February 16, 2017

Activated Carbon Production From Coconut Shell and Palm Kernel Shell

Magnification of the surface area due to the increasing number of micro pores that have great adsoroption ability is the main purpose of the production of activated carbon. Characteristics of the pores and even then vary depending on the application or use of activated carbon as an example the pores of the activated carbon used in the liquid, will be different which is used in gas substances. Characteristics of the pores can be designed and made during the production process. Basically the manufacture of activated carbon will involve high temperatures and adjuvant activating that can be a steam, CO2 or chemical, depending on the characteristics of activated carbon, or more specifically in the pores of activated carbon are generally calculated  by its surface area of the activated carbon. Additionally hardness of activated carbon is also other important quality factors of the activated carbon. This article is a continuation of my previous article about the production of charcoal from coconut shell and palm kernel shell continuously. Alhamdulillah can be done writing.

Activated charcoal production requires charcoal as raw material. The charcoal can be produced in both traditional and modern process. Charcoal quality will affect the quality of the final product of activated carboon. Modern charcoal production continuously be able to make the whole process of the activated carbon production becomes efficient when both are integrated into one. In the process of making charcoal which usually need to be cooled beforehand so into charcoal, then it can not be done when the production of charcoal continuously. Results of carbonization directly into the activation unit with only slightly raise its temperature, ie, if the carbonization ranging from 600 C and the activation of about 900 C. When using raw charcoal from the traditional process as a raw material, it takes far more energy to achieve the activation temperature of about 900 C.

Once out of the activation process, the active carbon is cooled by removing a number of considerable heat. Heat is released in large enough quantities can be used for drying coconut shell or palm kernel shell, giving it a special process of carbonization become more efficient as well as a whole with the activation. Activation adjuvant to be inserted in the activation process is well regulated its operating conditions of temperature, pressure and residence time to get the quality and quantity of activated carbon desired. In the activation condition, likened charcoal is material be punched by the activation of materials at high heat. There are many variants of activated carbon can be designed specifically for their intended use, so that the operating conditions and auxiliaries activation there are also variations.
The use of activated carbon, especially in the food industry (food) including beverages and pharmaceuticals, precious metals refinery (favor) and the oil and gas industry. Once the extent and magnitude of this use of activated charcoal so it is a great opportunity also for Indonesia, which has the best raw materials are also the largest quantity in the world of coconut shell and palm kernel shell. Will this also would be ignored? It should not. InsyaAllah

Friday, February 10, 2017

Coconut Shell Charcoal and Palm Kernell Shell Charcoal Production By Continuous Process

Indonesia as a coconut plantation owner (4 million hectares) and palm oil (11 million hectares), the largest in the world, was largely the result of the plantation still produces primary processed products such as CPO and PKO on palm oil and cooking oil at coconut. Production of various derivative products based on coconut and palm oil are many and value added is economically much more attractive largely untapped glance, thought much less do. Whereas if it is done it will give more added value, strong industrial competitiveness and of course employment. The extent of the plantations, many fruits, and high production of primary processed its supposed to be thrust towards the processing or production of a variety of downstream products or derivatives. Uneven distribution industry, market access to many types of derivative products, the quality of human resources, infrastructure and business environment that is less supportive of, among others, a number of factors that make the movement of the industry leading to downstream products such slow. Essential Material needs for human, commonly abbreviated 7F (Food, Fuel, Fiber, Fodder, Feedstock, Fertilizer, and Favor), also largely be filled based on palm oil and  coconut, so that the processing of natural resources such plantations to fulfillment 7F.

As the world's top producer of palm oil and coconut, should the downstream industries based on both raw materials are more easily and quickly realized, for example, the production of bath soap can best be produced from coconut oil and should become the world standard, as well as the production of biodiesel best of palm oil are also should become the world standard and so on. It's very possible. If that is not us who take  the chances that sooner or later must be taken by others. With the potential of say 6 billion world population or 250 million people in Indonesia alone, certainly potential market is huge. Bath soap for example combined with a distinctive scent of essential oils then the quality will also be special. Moreover, Indonesia is also one of the world's top producer of essential oils. Exporting primary processed products would also be beneficial, but how about making a variety of products that are ready-made so as to give more value added or greater profits? I think we all agree.

Waste in the form of coconut shell or palm shell, which are also abundant along both the fruit production, can also be increased added value, which is made with charcoal. The use of charcoal is also very much, especially in the food industry and the steel industry (favor). Traditional production of charcoal with a long production process, the yield is small and the smoke that many abandoned and should start using technology that is easier, faster and able to process the large quantities continuously. In a continuous process on the inlet side incoming raw materials while at the outlet discharge of the product, namely charcoal continuously. The activation process will produce activated charcoal which has a greater degree of usefulness and value-added, especially in the food industries and metal - minerals industries. Production of activated carbon from palm kernel shell charcoal (PKSC) and coconut shell charcoal (CSC) will be discussed after this. InsyaAllah.

Coconut shell is 12% of the coconut so that the number of coconut shells around 23,000 tonnes / year, while palm kernel shells are 6% of palm fruit and 20% is usually used fuel boiler in palm oil mill itself so that the amount of palm kernel shells with more than 600 palm oil mill in Indonesia then the amount will also be very large. For example: on a palm oil mill with small capacity i.e. 30 tons  fresh fruit bunch (FFB) / hour generated shell 900 tons/month, and about 200 tons/month to supplement the lack of calories with mesocarp fibre to fuel the boiler, so there is an excess of 700 tons/month waste of palm kernel shells. A very large amount and attractive to be developed. The average conversion of raw materials into charcoal is 25% with a fixed carbon content of at least 75%. Fixed carbon levels could be raised but the conversion rate becomes smaller. For those who are interested will pursue these charcoal production we can provide equipments for the production of charcoal with capacities ranging from 5 tons/day and please send an email to Hopefully this can be a small step to inspire based on palm oil and coconut - as the world's top manufacturers and can be run from the small-medium scale.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Calliandra Planting For Soil Improvement Thus adequate Food, Energy and Water

That Muslims should organize in the management of land - grasslands or sources of food, water, fire or energy it is clear there in the direction of the Prophet Muhammad: "The Muslims were syirkah (cooperation) in three ways pasture, water and fire" (HR . Sunan Abu Daud).

What are the consequences when we ignore these instructions - that is when we do not bersyirkah among us? Sources of livelihood are our primary form of food, water and energy managed by others and people become not self-sufficient in meeting the main of needs. When we are not self-sufficient in terms of basic needs, we are easily misled in a variety of other matters. Then the great work for people with learning syirkah in three main points as much as possible should be initiated.

In matters of energy the Muslims must start His guidance, what are the Qur'an speaks regarding the fire or energy? Qur'an talk about the source of fire from green trees (Surah 36: 80 and Surah 56: 71-72). In a matter of human beings could be the most efficient source of energy that nuclear power, which is the most clean hydro power, which is the most abundant solar energy. But when Allah SWT hinted fire from green trees, certainly a source of energy that this one has its own advantages. For example when we have firewood or wood pellets (the cutting edge  the fuel) from the woody biomass then can we save, we can use at any given time, relatively unaffected by weather conditions. Unlike hydro (water) and solar energy availability and use is affected by weather conditions. Plants or green trees also absorb CO2 and release O2 for us to breathe. In addition the plant is also able to fertilize the soil, resisting erosion and of course there are many more details. Furthermore, the text below will describe a small part of the energy advantages of green trees and environmental benefits.

According to the FAO estimated one third of the world soil layer has been damaged or degraded. Though the land is an important part in supporting life on earth. We know the food chain from plants. The life human and animal from plants. Most of our food comes from the ground, although there is plants and animals that live in the sea. Especially in agriculture, the land becomes the most important factor that determines the land is an important part in supporting life on earth. Land degradation occurs due to erosion, compaction, ground cover, the use of agricultural chemicals and soil nutrient depletion, acidification, pollution and other processes caused by land management practices that are not sustainable.
Degraded Lands in Indonesia
FAO Director General Jose Graziano da Silva estimates that by 2050 the fertile soil in the world lived a quarter of the benchmark in 1960. As the growth of world population continues to increase with the forecast to 10 billion in 2050 and is now almost 2 billion only experiencing food shortage, of course decreasing the amount of fertile land further aggravate the condition. Instructions from the Qur’an above which the plant types Leguminoceae then attempt to restore the soil fertility is feasible. Leguminoceae plant will capture nitrogen from the air is then stored in the root nodules and into soil fertilizer. Additionally leaves are also rich in nitrogen, when falling to the soil also will become fertilizer that fertilizes the land. When the soil has been broken so need to be restored then the legumes plants is the most suitable in these conditions. This is because such plants legumes have these characteristics: cool / moisten the soil surface, root nodules for being able to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere means that is able to fertilize the soil is damaged / barren, and able to prevent erosion. Rhizobium is a type of bacteria that grow in the roots of leguminoceae plants and act bind nitrogen in nodules. According to FAO, small organisms such as bacteria and fungi in underground acts as a primary agent driving the cycle of nutrients and helps plants through improved nutrient intake, which in turn support the biodiversity on the ground as well.

Among the more than 19,000 kinds of Leguminoceae, Calliandra is one of them and has been developed in Indonesia. Planting Calliandra has two major benefits that restore soil fertility and production of wood for fuel, especially wood pellets. More about the pattern of utilization can be read at the link 5F Project ForThe World!. While in Indonesia alone there are hundreds of millions of hectares have not been utilized well, including many have become degraded land. One grateful for the favors of Allah  SWT is with the prosperity of the earth.

Planting trees will clean the air by absorbing CO2 and produce O2. Imagine this in an era with a location not far from here, to breathe clean air people have to buy the air in the packaging - as we buy bottled water in a plastic bottle. It's very sad. In the area of Xinjiang, the region is already very bad air pollution in China, tens of millions of air in cans has been sold since last few years. And unfortunately only the rich people who can afford to buy the canned air. Islam teaches that the air and water are free goods that can be enjoyed by anyone. Important effort that can be done to make that free is still free, is to plant  trees, so that it can improve the soil fertility by planting Leguminoceae plant group, clean the air, a source of energy and also absorb water.

Optimizing Calliandra Energy Plantations for Energy, Food and Feed, Is It Possible?

Calliandra energy plantations as the name implies are indeed prioritized or for the main purpose of producing energy from biomass, either wo...