Monday, June 17, 2019

Biomass : The Sexy Savior

In terms of environmental aspects biomass is a carbon neutral energy source, this is different from fossil fuels, especially coal, which is a carbon positive energy source. The more coal is consumed (burned) for energy sources, the higher the concentration of greenhouse gases, namely CO2 in the atmosphere. The higher concentration of CO2 gas in the atmosphere means increasing the temperature of the earth which causes the phenomenon of climate change and global warming. According to data from the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has reached more than 400 ppm and it is in a state of danger to the environment. As a global problem, of course, the global approach taken to solve the problem is like the annual climate conference, which in 2018 yesterday or the 25th was held in Katowice, Poland.
Indonesia as a tropical country is more suitable to develop biomass as its energy source than solar energy. Why is that? For more details, please read here. In addition, the position on the equator also has great potential as the largest producer of biomass, more details can be read here. Agricultural, livestock and forestry wastes are one of the sources of the biomass. Agricultural wastes such as rice husks, palm oil empty bunches, coconut fiber, corn cobs and so on are also very large in number. But it can also be cultivated specifically by making energy plantation. There are millions of hectares of land available that can be used for the energy plantations. Coal mine holes that reach 8 million hectares if reclaimed are also potential for the development of these energy plantation, for more details can be read here. With the development of energy plantations, besides getting energy, it can also be used as a means of water conservation and meat production by integrating with livestock such as sheep or cattle. Not only that honey production with bee farms that use flowers from energy plantation is also very potential. For more details can also be read here. The potential for biomass energy in Indonesia is also very large, according to ESDM when it is converted to electricity reaching approximately 50 GW but only 3% is used.
Technically, biomass fuels also have many advantages, such as there is no problem with fly ash, the sulfur content is very small and the ash is not hazard / poisonous material but can even be used for fertilizer crops. Utilization of biomass as an energy source is also nothing new, even before coal is used massively, the biomass fuels is the main energy source, for more details can be read here and here. Not only that, even the European Union has implemented various policies to encourage the use of renewable energy massively such as the 20-20-20 target or RED (Renewable Energy Directive) I, namely increasing the efficiency of energy use by 20%, using renewable energy reaching 20% ​​and the target has been applied in 2020. Of the 20% of renewable energy 80% of them are biomass energy. And because the target is almost over, they are preparing a replacement for RED II with a portion of renewable energy increasing by almost 1/3 with a target time of 2030 and a portion of biomass energy still reaching around 80%. Another example is Japan, which since the accident occurred with the Fukhushima nuclear power plant in 2011, then biomass energy is one of the main energy sources in the country. Biomass energy does have an advantage in its utilization because it is not affected by weather as well as wind and water energy. And more importantly the development of biomass energy in line with the Qur'an for more details can be read here.

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