Saturday, February 17, 2024

Future Palm Oil Mill: Producer of CPO, Biochar and Hydrogen at the Same Time

Efficiency factors, optimizing potential and improving climate should be implemented simultaneously in the palm oil industry. This can be done by replacing the combustion furnace in the boiler with pyrolysis so that the boiler fuel is mainly biooil, a pyrolysis by-product, with the main product being biochar and building a biogas unit for hydrogen production as the final product. Biochar will be used as a soil amendment together with fertilizer so that it becomes slow release fertilizer, so that fertilizer use efficiency (NUE: nutrient use efficiency) increases. The use of biochar as carbon sequestration, namely by using it together with fertilizer, will also provide additional income from carbon credits. Acid soil or dry soil will have better fertility with the application of biochar.

Furthermore, liquid waste or POME (palm oil mill effluent) is used as raw material for biogas. With the main component of biogas being methane (CH4), with steam reforming the methane will react with steam at a temperature of 700-1100 C with a nickel catalyst to become hydrogen/H2 and carbon monoxide/CO. To maximize hydrogen H2 production, the resulting carbon monoxide / CO is then subjected to a shift reaction, resulting in hydrogen / H2 and carbon dioxide / CO2 products. The reaction runs at a temperature of 400-500 C or at a lower temperature, namely 200-400 C. At higher temperatures the shift reaction usually uses an iron oxide or chromium catalyst, while at lower temperatures the catalysts usually used are copper, zinc oxide and alumina. , which helps reduce CO concentrations to below 1%.

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