Friday, November 9, 2018

Carbon as Basic Element

Carbon material is basically obtained in all living things. Carbon usually binds to hydrogen to form hydrocarbon chains. Fossil fuels are very familiar referred to as hydrocarbon sources. The fossil fuels also come from animals and plants that are buried for millions of years. After going through a very long process, it finally became hydrocarbon compounds that are widely known today. At this time also if we decompose biomass, hydrocarbon compounds will be produced or specifically with carbonization or pyrolysis will produce charcoal material whose main element is carbon. If we see today most of our daily necessities come from plastic. The plastic is a derivative product of fossil material from both the oil compound and the gas. Coal also when processed with pyrolysis will produce coke, benzol and syngas. Coke is very similar to charcoal whose main ingredients are carbon, benzol as well as biooil which can be used for fuels and various materials and chemicals. Syngas as well as being used for energy can also be used for the production of various chemicals and materials.
Why should charcoal be made? By making charcoal because it will be a stable material, easily stored and easily converted. When stored in a biooil form, in addition to unstable material, storage is also more difficult. While the storage in gas form is technically even more difficult. Charcoal conversion can be physically used as briquettes, pellets and activated charcoal. While chemical conversion is a fuel that can produce heat for various energy sources, either directly or further modified through various thermochemical processes. Small-scale generators are now widely used such as ORC (organic rankine cycle), stirling engine and gasification can use the charcoal as fuel.
Municipal solid waste consisting of various types of garbage, most of which are organic waste, that is from living and inorganic creatures from fossil sources. When viewed from industrial chemical point of view, it means that city waste is a source of carbon material. In this case we do not distinguish whether the carbon material is from organic material or renewable sources or from fossils which are non-renewable sources. With continuous pyrolysis technology, the waste can be converted into the main product in the form of charcoal, and by-products such as biooil, pyroligneous acid (liquid smoke) and syngas. The syngas can also be used for power plants and heat sources. Charcoal is then a carbon source that is flexible in its use and the easiest to store.
General rules in the form of overcoming the problem are prioritized rather than the benefits that can be produced are also suitable to be applied in solving the city garbage problem. But if the benefits side can be optimized in such a way that is certainly what is more expected and becomes the main choice. Continuous pyrolysis problem solving provides the best solution for the city waste problem, because not only is the problem resolved effectively and efficiently, but the added value of the products produced provides attractive economic.

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