Monday, April 24, 2023

Developing Wood Pellet Production Centers in Indonesia

Vast land with a tropical climate with year-round sunshine and high rainfall is a gift from Allah SWT that makes Indonesia a world center of biomass. Biomass-based products such as energy and animal feed are very relevant in the bioeconomy era which is predicted to become a world trend in the near future. Potential optimization must be carried out especially since it is very much in line and relevant to world trends (decarbonization & sustainability) in general and Indonesia's specific national conditions in particular. On the other hand, we can see a number of countries whose majority of their economies depend on fossil energy, especially oil and gas, such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar or the Gulf countries in general, have to change their course to fight to reduce dependence on these natural resources. Efforts for realization/implementation and acceleration should be carried out immediately, even though it is actually a little late compared to other countries in Southeast Asia, especially Vietnam, for more details please read here, but given the potential and future direction of the world economy, of course, besides being urgent, it is also important to do this.  

As a reference for the development of the wood pellet industry in Indonesia, we can take the example of a country in North America, namely Canada, especially in the province of British Columbia. The province has the highest concentration or the most wood pellet factories, which are estimated to reach around 70% of the country's production. From the research conducted, it was found that 85% of the wood pellet raw material used was sawmill waste and the remaining 15% was forest waste. And the forest waste can be further broken down into 11% low quality logs and 4% bush plants. So all the raw materials used in the province use wood wastes produced from sawmills and remnants from the forest. The production of wood pellets basically has to use raw materials from wood wastes or wood which are worth the wood waste.

By utilizing these wastes, in addition to overcoming environmental pollution, even  sawmill operations become zero waste, it also provides additional income or economic benefits which are quite large in value. Forest wastes in Indonesia such as from acacia plantations have the potential to be used for the production of wood pellets. For example, with an acacia plantation, if every hectare produces 20 tons of acacia wood waste, then with an area of 20,000 hectares, 400,000 tons of acacia wood waste will already be produced. The area of 20,000 hectares of acacia plantations is not too big, this is because there are a number of HTI (industrial plantation forest) concession holders covering hundreds of thousands of hectares, so the volume of wood waste produced is also very large. Acacia forests or plantations in Indonesia are estimated to reach 2 million hectares and almost all of these acacia forests are used to supply pulp and paper mills. Every pulp and paper mill always has acacia forests with an area of thousands of hectares to fill the pulp and paper mill. Acacia wood with a minimum diameter of 8 cm is used as the raw material, while those with a diameter smaller than that are only used as waste. After the tree is felled, a new planting is carried out (replanting).

Wood products come from different parts of the tree, each tree has a unique potential, depending on a number of factors including the diameter and straightness of the trunk. In acacia trees trunk diameter is the main parameter.
Likewise in the sawmill industry, apart from waste in the form of sawdust, wood waste such as wood chips can also be used as raw material for the production of wood pellets. Each stage of the sawmill industrial process will produce wood waste, with varying shapes, sizes, quantities and uses. It is estimated that around 40% of wood waste produced from sawmills is around 40%. Factors such as worker skills, operator experience, equipment conditions and the shape of the wood affect the wood waste produced. Based on the above waste percentages, a sawmill that processes 1000 m3/month of logs will produce a total of around 400 m3/month of wood waste. More detail as in the table below:

Energy plantations are another option and are even an ideal option for wood pellet production. This is because the volume is large and its availability can be guaranteed, rather than collecting the wood wastes. With this energy plantation, raw materials in the form of wood will be obtained which costs as much as wood waste. Thousands to tens of thousands of hectares of energy plantations can be made for this purpose. In addition to wood, which is the main product of the energy plantation, by-products with significant value are leaves for animal feed and honey from beekeeping. Optimizing the utilization of all these trees will provide maximum added value from the use of the land. The regions of Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua can become centers of wood pellet production such as the province of British Columbia in Canada.

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