Monday, October 19, 2020

Consumer Briquette and Industrial Briquette

The use of biomass briquettes from both wood wastes and agricultural wastes is not yet popular in Indonesia, its use is still very limited. And the briquettes used are actually intermediate products in the sawdust charcoal briquette industry. Sawdust briquette or wood briquette is a briquette product that comes out of the screw extruder and can actually be further processed into sawdust charcoal briquette through the carbonization process. The sawdust charcoal briquette product itself is mainly used for barbeque or roasting meat, especially in Middle Eastern countries, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Domestic use of sawdust charcoal briquette is also still very limited. Judging from the type of briquette, the actual product produced is the type of consumer briquette or briquette which is sold by retail for household use.

Industrial briquette production is hardly found in Indonesia today. Industrial briquette is a briquette that is used for fuels in industries such as fuel for boilers or even power plants. Even though in terms of the production process, briquette is easier and cheaper than pelletizing, such as wood pellet production. In addition, investment in equipment for briquette is also cheaper than pelleting. A number of biomass materials which are generally difficult to pellet are usually easy with briquette. The preparation of raw materials for briquette is also easier than for pellets because of the more loose tolerances for particle size and dryness (moisture content).

In contrast to pelleting, apart from only one type of technology for compaction (densification), namely the roller press, briquette has 3 types of technology, namely the mechanical press, piston press and screw press. In addition, the shape, size and density of the briquette produced are also more varied. Industrial briquettes are made with mechanical press technology, while consumer briquettes can be made by mechanical press, piston press or screw press. The puck is an example of the best shape for industrial briquettes. Empty fruit bunch or EFB of palm oil as well as mesocarp fiber are very potential for industrial briquette production, for more details can be read here.

Puck shape industrial briquette

Consumer Briquette
In addition, wood dust waste from the MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) industry can also be used for the production of the industrial briquette. While the consumer briquette made with a mechanical press is in the form of a long cylinder, or if it is with a screw press the shape is octagonal or hexagonal, while the piston press is usually in the form of a block. Consumer briquette is mainly used for heating in winter. In subtropical countries when winter arrives, things that can be done are mainly room conditioning so that people in the area continue to be active, namely by heating the room where they live.

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