Friday, October 30, 2020

Utilization of River Waste Clogging Wood Waste as Biomass Fuel

The amount of garbage in the river will certainly disrupt the flow of the river. This garbage can cause disasters in the form of flooding when the river flow is blocked, so that the overflow of water will inundate the area around the river. Cleaning the river flow from this garbage is an important thing to do to prevent this flood disaster. Wood wastes can be separated or sorted from waste clogging the river and then processed into biomass fuel. What biomass fuels can be produced? This can be related to a number of things such as the type of wood waste available, volume, users and distance from users.

Wood chip is the simplest product from processing wood waste that can be produced if the distance from the user is not far away. Wood chips have low bulk density so that they will make transportation costs expensive for long distances. In order to be economical at a long distance, the wood waste must be treated with densification technology to produce a product in the form of a pellet or briquette. Briquette is recommended over pellet production for the utilization of this wood waste. This is because briquette is technically easier and also cheaper to produce. Briquette with mechanical press technology will produce briquettes for industrial needs such as fuel for furnaces and boilers. Biomass fuels such as wood waste are basically renewable and environmentally friendly fuels, because they come from plants or trees.

By utilizing the wood wastes that clog the river flow, the river flows smoothly and avoid flood disasters. Other wastes can be sorted which can then be recycled, processed further or simply dumped. The high level of river pollution also results in high sea pollution. Even Indonesia is ranked No.2 in the world in plastic pollution in the sea. Of course this needs to be reduced so that our waters will be clean from pollution. Starting from the easiest and simplest way, such as using wood waste as part of the solution to overcome this pollution.

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