Friday, March 25, 2022

Dichotomy of Energy Plantation and Legumes Plantation

There is a dichotomy between friends in livestock and forestry today about these legumes. From animal husbandry, they see leaves as a source of feed protein from plants and from forestry, they see wood as a source of wood that is easy to cultivate with high productivity. In the forestry sector, the wood is usually used as a renewable energy source such as wood chips, wood pellets, wood briquettes or charcoal briquettes. Forestry grows thousands of hectares of these legumes such as gliricidia with a wood orientation while the leaves are considered a by-product or waste from their plantation side. By utilizing the wood and leaves, it means getting out of this dichotomy, creating a new paradigm and being able to overcome food and energy problems or optimize the legume plantation or energy plantation (whole tree utilization) of thousands of hectares.

In addition to functioning as a legume plantation for animal feed, especially ruminants (sheep, goats, cattle, buffalo), as well as biomass fuel as above, the same plantation can also be used as a raw material for synthetic fiber board, for more details, please read here . Meanwhile, as the bioeconomic era is getting closer, the need for bioenergy, especially wood pellets, is increasing, the need for animal feed, especially ruminants which is part of the chain of human food needs is also increasing and indeed the growth of the earth's population is also increasing, and the need for biomaterials such as synthetic boards is also increasing. Therefore, the establishment of energy plantations or legume plantations or biomass plantations is very important, strategic and multi-beneficial. Based on these conditions, it is not impossible that in the near future the plantation will become a national and even global trend.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Sheep Breeding with Rotation Grazing

Efforts to achieve self-sufficiency in meat, especially for Muslims to strengthen their aqidah (faith) by means of qurban and aqiqah, are still facing many obstacles. The main obstacle is the number of seed sheep which are difficult to obtain because of the large number of productive females that are slaughtered for both aqiqah and daily consumption. Muslims are important and obligated by law (fardhu kifayah) or as a collective obligation to raise sheep to achieve the above objectives. Do not let Muslims can not perform these prayers because there are no livestock, especially sheep. Of course, it is also not good if because they are reluctant to raise sheep, Muslims will have to buy sheep from non-Muslims, even though the number in Indonesia is the majority and is also the largest in the world.

There are at least two things to overcome the problem of the sustainability of the supply of sheep, namely, firstly with a set of regulations to provide strict sanctions and provide a deterrent effect for anyone who is proven to slaughter productive females, and secondly, by increasing the production of seed sheep or lamb breeds as much as possible so that they can keep pace with the rate of productive ewes that are slaughtered. In the first point, although there is  a regulation, in fact it is difficult to implement because the government is not firm and the light sanctions. While in the second point, anyone can do it, so it seems that the second point is easier to do.

The location of sheep farming can be done anywhere, whether in villages, mountain slopes, forest edges and even in urban areas. These livestock models adapt to the characteristics of the location, especially regarding the source of feed. For example, in urban areas with limited land, the sheepfolds must even be leveled, with feed sources especially from food industry wastes. In the food industry, the main product are for human food and by-products or waste for animal feed, such as tempe and tofu factories, noodle factories, biscuit factories and so on. Meanwhile, in rural areas with large areas of land, grazing is also very possible. Grazing will save on feed costs and is very suitable for seed sheep production or breeding. While rotation grazing is a better grazing technique so that the efficiency and performance of the farm is better. Even on land that is close to an energy plantation, apart from grazing with abundant sources of feed, a feed factory can also be built in that location. And basically the more models with various variations, the more regions in Indonesia that can be worked on for self-sufficiency in meat especially halal meat.

In rotation grazing, the grazing area will be divided into paddocks. And basically the more paddocks, the better because pasture can be utilized as a source of animal feed to the fullest. In general to start with 5 to 10 paddock with each paddock for grazing 3 to 7 days then rested 25-30 days. Of almost all rotation grazing practices, 4 paddock is the minimum number to start with. The square shape is the best shape for the paddock, so try to get as close to it as possible. The shape of the small elongated and circular paddock is not good because it is more difficult to achieve an even utilization of grass by livestock.

By increasing its production centers, the problems of seed sheep will be overcome. Of course this takes time and continuous effort. The unused, marginal and critical lands which amount to millions of hectares can be converted into the livestock area. Divine motivation to strengthen aqidah and part in enforcing Islamic law will continue to motivate Muslims to raise sheep farming, in addition to meeting their daily protein needs in the form of meat. The people's culinary shift from protein consumption of chicken meat to duck meat and currently more and more lamb is consumed. The halal industry should also be growing with Muslim business actors themselves. 

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Bioeconomy in Ex-Coal Mining Land

Bioeconomy is defined as knowledge-based production and uses biological resources or living things to produce products, processes, and services in the economic sector within the framework of a sustainable economic system.

Coal which is a fossil energy with bioeconomy seems to be two contradictory thing. In practice, however, this may not be the case. After the coal deposit is extracted from the bowels of the earth, the land should be reclaimed so that it can be used for bioeconomy. Moreover, in the future era or era of decarbonization, the use of coal will also begin to be reduced due to its bad influence on climate change and global warming. A number of countries have prepared systematic plans for reducing the use of coal and in the future to not use it at all. Indonesia itself is a coal producing country with the third rank in the world (after China and India) with more than 550 million tons of production, which is the largest source of state revenue from the mining sector as well as many environmental problems due to the exploitation of the coal. The ex-coal land should be reclaimed so that it can be used again for productive activities such as agriculture, animal husbandry and forestry. Soil conditions after exploitation should be at least the same as before the coal exploitation. With its tropical climate, the bioeconomic programs should also be easier to carry out.

We are required to continue to learn so that we understand the changing circumstances, then understand the core of the problem so that we can do the best, including providing solutions. Sometimes a problem can be solved quickly, but on the other hand a problem needs a long and continuous solution. Factors of religion, politics, economy and natural conditions are a number of things that influence these changes. The problems of climate change and demographics are examples of problems facing humanity globally today and require gradual and long-term solutions. For the problem of climate change, in particular, a number of efforts have been made and seem to be getting more intensive lately.

In the future era, the combination of economic activities that are environmentally sound, but also capable of providing good economic growth or bioeconomy, with its premise on the safety of the earth, will greatly color human life. The high awareness of environmental problems distinguishes it from the exploitative economy of the past that left massive environmental damage. The financial economy or the financial sector but does not have an impact on the real sector, clearly does not provide benefits, even has repeatedly caused crises or has been proven to damage the economy itself. In more practical terms, the financial sector economy does not create new jobs. The food, energy and human goods sectors must be produced in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner. For example, bioenergy as the best energy source must be continuously encouraged and improved, for a detailed explanation, read here.

Post-coal mining land is very minimal in nutrients and even acidic, so it needs preparation in the form of special treatment before being used for various purposes. This process can't be fast but also not too long, in a matter of 2-3 years the land should have been able to be used with the condition of the land or soil in good condition even better than before the coal mining activity. In addition to improving the physical and chemical structure of the soil, it is also necessary to add nutrients from organic matter. The use of biochar with its characteristics will be able to improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil, even with the addition of organic matter it will also fertilize the soil better. The biochar will also be able to last for hundreds of years, unlike organic materials that may need to be added periodically to maintain soil fertility. The best organic material for post-coal mining is livestock manure. This makes livestock ideally suited to be integrated into the post-mining reclamation program.

With a land area of ​​​​millions of hectares, the recovery of the post-coal land will provide environmental, economic and social benefits. Of course this is very strategic considering the environmental hazards due to environmental damage can bring much greater natural disasters. Livestock especially ruminants will be the best entry point or “weapon” to start the reclamation by using biochar as a multi-benefit material. After the soil is fertile, any activities related to agriculture, animal husbandry and forestry can be carried out optimally. Biochar in addition to soil improvement also absorbs CO2 gas in the atmosphere so that it is very good for productivity and the environment, especially the climate. Climate change has now become a central and global issue in environmental issues and even the existence of the earth so that the policies of countries in the world take it into account. Raw materials for biochar production are also very abundant, both from plantation industrial waste such as palm oil and from forestry.

One of the tasks of human life according to Q.S. Adz Dzariyat 56 that must be carried out is 'Abdullah (a servant of Allah who is always submissive and obedient to His rules and will and only serves Him). The task of human life is also as the caliph of Allah on earth. This can be understood from the word of Allah in Q.S. Al-Baqarah: 30. Man is the noblest creature among other creatures (Surah al-Isra ': 70) and he/she was made by Allah in the best form/event, both physically and psychologically (Surat at-Tin: 5), and equipped with various potential tools and basic potentials (fitrah) that can be developed and actualized as optimally as possible through the educational process. Because of that, it is proper for humans to carry out the task of being the caliph of Allah on earth. The task of man as the caliph of Allah on earth, among others, involves the task of realizing prosperity on earth (Q.S. Hud: 61). Therefore, the task of caliphate is a sacred duty and a mandate from Allah from the first human to humans at the end of the age to come, and is a manifestation of the implementation of devotion to Him ('abdullah).

Furthermore, Allah SWT also mandates humans to re-establish balance in the universe that has been disturbed by justice (Surah 55:8-9). Currently, when the concentration of greenhouse gases continues to increase in the atmosphere so that the earth's temperature increases, it will cause icebergs at the two poles of the earth to melt, raise sea levels, climate change, to change the concentration of the earth's mass point and shift the earth's north pole. The shift in the earth's poles will affect the circulation of the earth to the earth and so will affect the position of the earth in the universe. What happens if these changes continue or even accelerate? The balance of nature is disturbed, the sun rises from the west and at the end there will be a collision between planets and stars in the solar system and the universe, there will be doomsday. Carbon trading is one of the efforts to reduce these greenhouse gases, and as human awareness continues to increase, the price of carbon or the cost of compensating for CO2 gas has increased recently.

To reduce the earth's temperature, namely by reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases. To reduce 1 ppm concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is equivalent to absorbing about 15 gigatons of CO2. Meanwhile, the costs required for mitigating major climate change disasters are estimated at USD 1.6 trillion to USD 3.8 trillion annually. To reach the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere to 350 ppm, it takes about 70,000 biochar the size of the Giza pyramid, assuming that fossil fuels are discontinued. With a Giza pyramid volume of 2.6 million m3 and an average biochar density of 200 kg/m3, the Giza pyramid-sized biochar weighs 520 million kg or 520 thousand tons. Great job of course. Biochar production should grow 5000 times from its current production capacity. With biochar the size of the Giza pyramid unit we need to build 4 pyramids per day (about 2 million tons of biochar per day) for the next 100 years and starting now. And the post-coal mining land is likened to a dead earth, while humans as caliphs on earth are ordered to prosper this earth by fertilizing the soil.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Production of Synthetic Boards*, Ruminant Livestock and Animal Feed Industry from Biomass Plantation

Synthetic boards such as laminate, particleboard, fiberboard and cement board can be made from wood produced by biomass plantation. In addition to the small size of the wood, it is also of low quality which currently does not have an adequate utilization value. Forests or biomass plantations can be used as the raw material for the synthetic board. With fast rotation crops with short rotation coppice and fast growing species, such as calliandra and gliricidia, it is very potential as raw material for the synthetic boards. The production of this synthetic boards also uses the same type of raw material as wood pellets, namely wood waste or wood worth as wood waste. Wood produced from this biomass plantation is included in the second group, namely wood worth as wood waste. Even on the other hand, the large wood processing industry that produces a lot of wood waste, not a few who process the waste for the production for wood pellets and synthetic boards.

However, it would be better if the source of raw material for the synthetic boards production comes from forests or biomass plantations so that not only wood is the raw material for the artificial boards but also leaves and flowers. The leaves can then be used as ruminant animal feed and even the production of animal feed as a separate industry. While the flowers from the plantation can be used for honey bee farming. In livestock business, especially ruminants, feed is the highest cost component which is estimated to reach more than 80%. The forest or biomass plantations cover an area of thousands of hectares and are capable of being the main feed source for large ruminant livestock. Even if there is a large surplus, the animal feed industry also needs to be made independent.

Animal feed in the form of hay and pellets is suitable for long distance use because transportation costs will be cheap. Basically all parts of the tree can be utilized so as to provide optimal benefits. To maintain the sustainability of the forest or biomass plantation, good management is also needed so that the productivity performance of the forest or biomass plantation can be maintained. Along with the increasing population, the need for housing and other means of living also increases as well as food. Forests or biomass plantations can help overcome both problems.

*Synthetic boards are laminated board, particle board, fiberboard and cement board. While plywood is not included in it, although plywood is also a type of synthetic board. Plywood production from veneer sheets derived from large diameter wood, is not like this biomass plantation.

Briquette For Textile Industry

As the demand to become an environmentally friendly industry enters this era of decarbonization, a number of industries have begun to switch to using renewable energy in their production processes, and the textile industry is no exception. You can read about the urgency of a biomass boiler here. A number of boilers are used in the textile industry with the type of boiler that uses a static (static grate) and dynamic (moving grate) furnace. From the operational point of view, a dynamic furnace (moving grate) is easier and more efficient because the combustion process can be more complete. In addition to general fuel specifications such as calorific value, moisture content, ash content and so on, the size and shape of the fuel is also an important factor in the efficiency of the combustion. Wood pellets with a diameter of generally 6 mm and 8 mm and palm kernel shells with a size of about 1 cm to 5 cm are sometimes not suitable for this type of boiler. For these conditions briquette can be the solution. Briquette sizes are not only bigger but also more diverse, including the briquetting technology used, for more details on briquetting technology, you can read here.

Biomass waste, both wood processing industry and agricultural waste such as rice husks, can be used as raw material for these briquettes. Briquette shapes such as pucks or cylinders or short octagonals can be a solution for certain types of boilers. Currently, there is still a lot of wood waste that has not been utilized and even polluted waters such as rivers that can be used for the production of these briquettes, more details can be read here. Meanwhile, rice as a staple food source for the Indonesian population also produces a lot of waste in the form of rice husks. Indonesia's rice production in 2008 is estimated to reach 59.9 million tons of milled dry grain with a husk composition of 25%, meaning that the husk potential reaches 15 million tons/year. Although the amount is abundant but generally its utilization is still not optimal, this is because rice husk has a low bulk density and relatively small calorific value due to the high ash content. Indeed, with biomass compaction technology such as briquetting, the biomass waste becomes easy to use, economical for long-distance transportation and overcomes environmental pollution problems.

Whereas in Indonesia, almost all of the briquettes produced are screw extrude types which are actually not very suitable for the boiler solution. This is because this type of briquette is not only long in shape and also requires a large amount of energy or electrical power for the production process. Cutting it into small pieces will be an additional job in itself. While the mechanical press type to get small pieces to form pucks is easy to do and also requires less electrical power. As a comparison, screw extrude briquettes to produce 1 tonne of briquettes require about 100 kW of electricity, while on a mechanical press to produce 1 ton of briquettes, electricity is needed only 50 kW or half. In addition, when using abrasive raw materials such as rice husk which has a high silica content for a screw extrude type briquette machine, it will only have a short life, while the mechanical press has a much longer service life.

Optimizing Calliandra Energy Plantations for Energy, Food and Feed, Is It Possible?

Calliandra energy plantations as the name implies are indeed prioritized or for the main purpose of producing energy from biomass, either wo...