Wednesday, April 3, 2024

From Carbon Neutral to Carbon Negative : Development of Batteries, Wood Pellets, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Biochar

Research to develop large capacity batteries continues to be carried out so that electricity produced from renewable energy power plants such as wind and solar can be stored and used at any time. Electricity generation that comes from wind and sun is intermittent, that is, at any time the wind may not blow or there will be thick clouds or at night so there is no sunlight and electricity cannot be produced. In this condition, it is necessary to use a large capacity battery that can store this electricity. It is predicted that the development of this battery will not only require large costs but will also take a long time. It is predicted that it will take several decades for this battery to become a reality.

The current electricity supply, the majority of which still uses fossil fuels, especially coal, which has been proven to be environmentally unfriendly (carbon positive), needs to continue to be reduced and the portion of renewable energy in the form of wood pellets (carbon neutral) added by cofiring. The portion or ratio of cofiring can continue to be increased and can even be 100% using wood pellets (fulfiring). If the coal power plant can be changed 100% to a biomass or wood pellet fueled power plant, the power plant will become environmentally friendly or carbon neutral. And at a time when renewable energy sources are abundant and the electrical energy products can be stored in large capacity batteries, it is possible that power plants using combustion technology could be closed or stopped.

The use of wood pellets can be said to be an intermediate solution before the battery era. Large capacity wood pellet production will ideally use energy plantations as a supplier or source of raw materials. Fast rotation crops and plantations from legume groups such as calliandra and gliricidae are the right choice for these energy plantationns. Energy plantations themselves can act as carbon sinks or absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. With good management so that the volume of biomass or wood harvested is smaller or maximum equal to the plant growth rate, the function of energy plantations as carbon sinks continues to be maintained. Using wood pellets as carbon neutral fuel while managing energy plantations as a carbon sink or negative carbon provides optimal environmental benefits.


The use of 100% biomass fuel in power plants is carbon neutral, the same as the use of renewable energy from wind, water and sun. However, the use of biomass energy, especially wood pellets, is not intermittent and is always available when needed. Using batteries will be a solution to the intermittent problem. This 100% biomass fueled power plant can become carbon negative when using CCS (carbon capture and storage) devices. And this is very good because it can return the CO2 emitted into the atmosphere back to the bowels of the earth (carbon negative). And when coal power plants are installed with CCS devices, they will become carbon neutral. However, the CCS device is still very expensive and its operation is also not cheap.

And when the battery era arrives so that electricity generation using combustion technology is closed or stopped, the wood from the energy plantations that have been created will be used as raw material for biochar. It is possible that the wood from these energy plantations is still made into wood pellets to save transportation costs and make handling easier and then taken to pyrolysis facilities for biochar production. Biochar used in agriculture has dual benefits, namely improving soil quality and as a carbon sink. Using biochar with fertilizer will create slow release fertilizer, thereby increasing NUE (nutrient use efficiency) for plants, thereby saving fertilizer costs and reducing environmental pollution. Biochar is able to last or not decompose for hundreds of years or is permanent in the soil. The more biochar used, the more benefits it will provide for soil fertility and climate. Biochar as a carbon sink or carbon sequestration is also carbon negative. Energy plantations with good management will become carbon sinks and the biochar is also a carbon sink in the form of carbon sequestration, of course this provides the most optimal climate benefits.

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