Monday, September 28, 2015

Racing for Lowering The Temperature Of The Earth (Part 2)

Biomass as 'carbon neutral fuel' certainly does not stand alone as a great scenario to lower the temperature of the earth due to global warming by greenhouse gas emissions. Advantages of biomass as a renewable energy source because  stable in use, in the sense that is not affected by climatic and weather conditions into a product that is reliable in various scale applications. Efforts to optimize the potential of biomass as an energy source can be viewed from the supply side to use.

On the supply side, the assuredness of supply of biomass as a raw material is an absolute must if you want to use as a primary energy source, for the amount of effort from collecting a variety of waste biomass that was originally only disposed to look for species with a short rotation coppice (SRC), high productivity and a positive effect on nature with is made energy plantations. One of these plants is Calliandra to the tropics, while in sub-tropical regions such as Europe using poplar and willow species. We should be grateful to Allah SWT because of the location in tropical Indonesia make caliandra crop productivity could be 4 times faster than the temperate sub-tropical or concrete four years poplar and willow in Europe as 1 year calliandra in Indonesia. 

While looking at the utilization, biomass energy should be used widely, easy, inexpensive and efficient. Biomass can be used in place or used elsewhere far enough. On the use of on-site or a short distance, biomass usually uniform in size or plus drying.  Whereas for use in locations far enough biomass need to be added process again with compaction (densification) in the form of pellets or briquettes. The biomass is then processed  in thermal route (the most popular) by combustion, pyrolysis or gasification to extract energy content.

The position of Europe has surpassed North America in a race to lower the temperature of the earth or the effort to reduce global warming. After previous EU implementing RED (EU's Renewable Energy Directive) commonly known as the 20-20-20 targets or mandates that are intended to reduce 20% of greenhouse gas emissions from 1995 as base level; 20% decrease in energy consumption; and to 20% for renewable energy. It also makes Europe is the largest consumer or market  of wood pellets with an estimated 80% of world production, followed by the United States and third, South Korea.

Currently the EU is being approached in 2020 for the realization of the 20-20-20 targets but on the other hand they began to prepare the draft for the new policy climate and energy issues from years 2020-2030. EU has proposed a new target in 2030 including a 40% decrease in greenhouse gas emissions, a 30% decrease in energy consumption and 27% for the use of renewable energy. Currently they are also looking for a strategy to achieve the 2030 targets. History also shows how biomass policies is the main driver for the development of pellets market in Europe. It is also widely used as a model of a particular region or country to implement renewable energy policies, especially biomass sector.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Biomass Pelletisation Process and Maintain Stability Wood Pellets Production Plant

The characteristics of biomass will determine production processes including die shapes and characteristics of wood pellets product. Woody biomass is the most common and popular biomass of the biomass pelletisation. Die shape can not be common or generic for all types of biomass because it has its own characteristics. The efficient pelleting process will be produced pellets product with the amount of powder or fine which is very little, that is meaning almost all the particles of the material that is fed into the pelletiser converted into pellets. Judging sequence of processes that occur in the pelletiser, the biomass will have the following things before finally formed into pellets.

A number of materials from a particular timber, there is an expanding again when exiting from the pelletiser or in general the compaction equipmnent. This phenomenon is more easily seen in briquettes because it was bigger than pellets. This happens because these materials absorb more air from the atmosphere to add moisture to the pellets or briquettes, whereas when the particle material into the die in the presence of strong pressure and high temperature, the amount of water vapor in the particles of the material will come out and so is lignin serves as the glue will come out at this stage.

On the specifics of wood pellets also there is little difference of quality, logistics and consumer needs between Europe and the United States. The difference between the others, especially that on wood pellets for the European market generally use a die with a size of 6 mm, while for the US market generally use the die to the size of a quarter inch or 6.35 mm or it could be using equipment that is more suitable, for example, to adjust to the European, EN method while the Americans with ASTM method. But the different sectors also allows the use of different pellet sizes. Most retailers in Europe using a 6 mm pellet size, so that when using the US standard with the size of a quarter inch or 6.35 mm and after production also will typically expand to 6.5 mm making the European market less acceptable. In addition the European market also liked the wood pellets with a length of 1.5 to 2 cm, so it is not too short and not too long. Durability is also an important factor for the target market, the European issuing durability requirements limit is 97.5 primarily for industrial bulk market, but for the bulk of residential delivery majority of distributors are looking for products with a durability from 98.5 to 99.0. This is because the residential delivery typically use pneumatic conveyor and the strong desire to reduce fine (powder).

The market target aso will determine how the process of the production of wood pellets. Asian markets with relatively new age do not yet qualify as strict as Europe or America with the target users are also a number of differences. A large number of requests with strict quality also makes the need for reliable equipment or machinery becomes absolutely necessary. A number of manufacturers pelletiser for wood pellets has also been applying heat sensor technology at the pelletiser that they make as an option for the producers of wood pellets. This technology includes installation of high heat sensor directly on a roller to monitor in real time the critical temperature. The intended use of these technologies is to reduce downtime and accidents caused by overheating on the roller and the bearing shaft so that production targets can be achieved more easily.

As for supplies of raw material supply of wood pellets, wood sawmill wastes and wood processing wastes could be used but the energy plantations or forests  will be the best choice, especially for long-term orientation. Good forest management service that will produce a sustainable supply of raw materials. Optimizing the use of land in a number of locations, the selection of appropriate plant species and supported tropical climate conditions that support are some of the things that support the integration of energy plantation or forest with wood pellet business. Because of the availability of raw materials is one of the key success factors in the business of wood pellets, so it needs special attention of its own.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Enter the Global Wood Pellet Market

In fact the massive growth of wood pellets derived from the encouragement of a number of policies in Europe, more specifically the electricity business in the UK. In 2020 the world consumption of wood pellets is estimated at 22 million tonnes. Two power plants in the UK are 100% use wood pellets that Drax and Eggborough, requiring 10 million tons annually. Other major needs are wood pellets from Western European countries, especially Italy. While in Asia, Japan and Korea are the two countries most widely consumed wood pellets. Whereas in 2024 the production of wood pellets is predicted to reach 50 million tons globally.

Canada is one of the main producers of wood pellets which supply the needs of some countries above. The extent of the forest so abundant source of raw materials that make Canada one of the main producers of wood pellets. Russia is the other major country which began producing wood pellets. The extent of forests and abundance of raw material resources make Russia comparable to Canada in the production of wood pellets but mainly infrastructure problems is still a major barrier to the development of wood pellet industry in Russia. How about Indonesia? Indonesia also has a great opportunity to join in wood pellets business. Although the forest area which can be used as a source of raw materials is not as large as area of Canada and Russia, but the tropical climate in Indonesia that makes the sun shines all year round is a kind of blessing. Thank God, this is one of the pleasures of Allah that we should be. Energy forests or plantations with short rotation crops (SRC) as calliandra can be cultivated with productivity four-fold compared subtropical regions such as Canada or Russia for similar plants such as Willow or Poplar. In addition, users of wood pellets in Asia such as Korea and Japan also will be looking for wood pellets from Asia prior to Canada or Russia.

Natural or environmental sustainability issues are important things that must be considered, so that the business continuity and environmental sustainability are two things simultaneously maintained. The power plant is a major market wood pellets with large and long-term needs for environmental sustainability that needs to be a serious concern. Almost all the buyers of wood pellets for power generation will also require sustainable forest management practices and certification (FSC or SVLK) about the origin of the raw materials that could be accounted means that does not destroy the forest. Specifically for conditions in Indonesia, with an energy plantation or forest with integrated calliandra plantation with goat or cow farming activities will cycle sustainability and nature conservation will be maintained.

Steam power plant with coal fuel is one of the biggest contributors to CO2 in the atmosphere, so if it can be replaced up to 100% or full with wood pellets as a carbon-neutral fuels will reduce CO2 emissions significantly. Rodenhuize 240 MW power plant in Ghent, Belgium is one example. At first Rodenhuize is coal power plant then after that in 2011 using 100% wood pellets. Earlier in 2005 the power plant was modified so that it can work with co-firing of coal and wood pellets and in 2011 the plant switched to 100% of coal (coal) with wood pellets. The shift from coal to wood pellets has made Rodenhuize power generation reduce 1.6 million tons of CO2 emissions. Rodenhuize pattern seemed to be a reference and will be followed by coal power plants more especially in countries that have implemented environmental policies in the energy sector to compete lowering the temperature of the earth.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Potential Mapping the Wood Biomass To Energy

When the need for renewable energy from wood biomass greater, then at a certain level of wood biomass derived from wastes sawmills, or industries wood processing and so be insufficient so that it is necessary other sources are able to fulfill this purpose. Energy plantation or forest by type of short rotation coppice or SRC is the best scenario for the purpose. While this is still very much forest in Indonesia is available when used for the manufacture of energy forests or plantations, such as in the schematic below.

Detailed mapping to identify a variety of things that needed to be urgently needed because it will be linked to the size of the investment for the manufacture of energy forests or plantations. Remote sensing via satellite, aircraft, hot air balloons and the like is one of the stages to get the detailed mapping. The location of the energy forest or plantations had previously been determined, and the remote sensing of the various more detailed information will be sought, such as boundaries, topography, plant species that are already on location, age of the plant, plant height, and the type of soil. Imagery or aerial photography from remote sensing are usually seen only difference in color and form will then be translated to be processed, analyzed and obtained information as desired.

 Further field surveys in the region also needs to be done to improve the accuracy of the information of the previous stages. Field surveys are usually conducted by several teams to make the plot area-an area in a specific area which used as a sample and analyzed to find the information needed. Particular method is also used to determine the location of the plot and the amount, so the more the plot as the samples taken in the area it will be more accurate mapping information.

Furthermore, after the whole information has been obtained then the decision will be made soon. Wood pellets are a form of biomass energy that is very popular for the international market either for electricity or heat generation sector. Increasingly needs wood pellets are expected to be increased, or 2024 global production of wood pellets will be 50 million tons. Old plants in the energy forests or plantations location can also be used for the production of wood pellets if the quality and quantity according to the raw material of wood pellets is approprit before eventually using wood biomass from the energy plantations or the forests.

Monday, September 21, 2015

EFB Pellets Great Potential in Indonesia and Malaysia Has Not Been Taken

Wood pellets are still occupying the highest grade biomass fuel than biomass pellets fuel from other than wood. This is because its combustion properties are better than others. But as the magnitude of the biomass energy needs,  it is necessary to look for some other alternatives. Palm oil empty fruit bunch (EFB) is a potential raw material for pellets. Currently, Indonesia is the biggest palm oil producing country, especially crude palm oil (CPO) in the world with an area of palm oil plantations of more than 7 million hectares and hundreds of palm oil milss to process the palm oil fruits. Palm trees require warm temperatures, sunshine and high rainfall, so that only some parts of the world can do that, those are Asia, Africa and South America. Palm oil production is dominated by Indonesia and Malaysia with an amount between 85-90% of world palm oil production. Empty fruit bunches itself is a waste of CPO production which are numerous and today generally untapped.

Another factor driving this is when the supply of raw materials by planting some sort of energy plantation perceived longer and require more capital, or when the availability of raw materials such as woody biomass derived from wastes of the wood processing industries has been limited, the empty fruit bunches of palm oil can be a strong candidate. While the other factor come from the palm oil mill itself that many industries were overwhelmed to handle empty fruit bunch waste itself. Those things are more encouraging empty fruit bunch (EFB) processing into EFB pellets.

In terms of combustion properties as EFB pellet is lower quality from wood pellets, so it should also be used technologies that are more appropriate (suitable) in accordance with the character of the EFB pellets product. Type of fluidized bed combustion technology is the best choice because it is able to optimally handle EFB pellets at once able to reduce the content of a number of negative traits. Chlorine is the most avoidable component of mainly pellets made from agricultural wastes such as EFB. The fluidized bed combustion technology has also been developed from along ago so that is supposed to achieve optimum combustion conditions of EFB pellets become easy thing to do.

Optimizing Calliandra Energy Plantations for Energy, Food and Feed, Is It Possible?

Calliandra energy plantations as the name implies are indeed prioritized or for the main purpose of producing energy from biomass, either wo...