Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Animal Feed Protein Business from Palm Oil Mill By-Products

Animal feed is a link in the food chain for humans. The need for feed will also continue to increase along with the growth of population or human population. In fact, a number of animal feed companies have animal feed factories with very large production capacities or millions of tons every year, for more details, read here. It is predicted that the human population will reach 9 billion people in 2050. The nine billion people who are predicted to live on planet Earth in 2050 will need an additional 250 million tons of protein per year, or an increase of 50% compared to today. This protein need can be met one way from the livestock sector and so that the livestock industry can achieve its target, a lot of animal feed industries are needed. 

Not only for humans, protein is also one of the main elements for animal feed and is among the most expensive protein animal feed elements. This is why protein production for animal feed is important for the feed industry in particular or the livestock industry in general. The world, especially Europe, is lacking the protein element in animal feed. This is why there is an organization in Europe that encourages the use of insects as a source of feed protein, namely IPIFF (International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed). The types of insects permitted to be bred by the European Commission for this purpose include only 7 species of insects, namely 3 types of crickets, 2 types of caterpillars and 2 types of flies. Apart from having determined and legitimized several types of insects, it turns out that the protein from these insects is not 100% for animal feed, but around 30% is for food consumed by humans.

PKE / Palm Kernel Expeller or PKC / palm kernel cake is a by-product or waste from palm kernel oil (PKO) mills with a protein content of around 15%. Compared to CPO mills, there are fewer PKO mills. This is because not all CPO mills also have PKO mills. It is estimated that the ratio of CPO mills to PKO mills is 10: 1. With the number of CPO mills in Indonesia currently around 1,000 units, the number of PKO mills is estimated to only be 100 units. This palm oil expeller or palm kernel cake / PKC has the potential to be used as maggot feed. Cultivating maggots from palm oil cake will produce premium quality maggots. With the main protein content (~ 45%) maggots will be a source of high quality feed protein. Meanwhile, if maggot cultivation uses palm oil mill effluent sludge or part of CPO mills liquid waste, the quality of the maggots produced will not be as good as if fed from palm oil expeller. However, with so many CPO mills, the potential for maggot production from palm oil mill effluent sludge is no less large.

Products that can be produced from maggot farming include dried maggots, maggot meal and maggot oil, as well as by-products in the form of feces and urines. Products from maggots in the form of dried maggots, maggot oil and maggot meal are feed ingredients for poultry, fish and pets. World feed production is estimated at around 1 billion tons each year with the following composition, namely, poultry feed production is ranked first with a portion of 45% or almost half of world feed production, followed by second place pig feed at 11%, third ruminant 10% and the rest are others such as food for fish, pets and horses. The world's largest animal feed producing countries are China with a share of 19.6%, followed by a number of countries, namely America with 17.4%, Brazil with 6.8%, then countries such as Mexico, Spain, India, Russia, Japan and Germany as well. are large producers of animal feed. the rest by countries around the world.

Maggot droppings, which are a by-product or waste from maggot farming, can be used as organic fertilizer, namely solid organic fertilizer and liquid organic fertilizer. This fertilizer can be used on various plantations and farms, including on palm oil plantations themselves. And it would be even better if the organic fertilizer was added or enriched with biochar so that it becomes slow release fertilizer and increases its nutrient use efficiency (NUE: Nutrient Use Efficiency).

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Utility Business for Palm Oil Mills

When the priority is to obtain the maximum profit, good environmental management and ease, efficiency and stability of production as an option, then utility matters at the palm oil mill may be collaborated with other parties. This specialization becomes important because of the priority choices above. The utility problems in question are electricity and steam. Electricity is produced from a steam turbine and steam is produced from a boiler. High pressure steam enters the steam turbine to drive a generator and produce electricity and low pressure steam output from the steam turbine is used for the fresh fruth bunch (FFB) sterilization process. Water treatment for boiler feed is also part of the utility problem, as well as for boiler operations to produce output in the form of electricity and steam.

Regarding cooperation or business models, palm oil mills can pay for the electricity and steam they receive. But because the fuel or energy to produce electricity and steam comes from palm oil mills, of course the price is cheaper. If currently almost all palm oil mills use their boiler fuel from mesocarp fiber and palm kernel shell (PKS), then with this specialization it is possible for palm fiber (mesocarp fiber) and empty palm fruit bunches (EFB) to be used as fuel or energy sources while palm kernel shells (PKS) can 100% sold and even exported. Palm kernel shells (PKS) as biomass fuel can be sold directly and are in great demand, and are also the main competitor for wood pellets in the global biomass fuel market.

Under these conditions, there are efforts to increase the efficiency of utility production such as steam and electricity as optimally as possible, not only combustion technology with static grates, moving grates, reciprocating grates to fluidized beds, but it is even possible to use pyrolysis. EFB or empty palm fruit bunches, which were previously unprocessed and were an environmental problem, can become a potential energy source so that 100% of the palm kernel shells / PKS from palm oil mills can be commercialized/sold. And even if the utility provider uses pyrolysis, biochar will also be obtained. Biochar provides many benefits related to soil fertility and climate.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Upgrading the Palm Oil Industry in Indonesia

With Indonesia's palm oil plantation area reaching around 15 million hectares and palm oil mills reaching 1000 units, efforts to upgrade the palm oil industry are important and strategic. Indonesia's palm oil or CPO production per year is around 46 million tons (while Malaysia is in second place at around 19 million tons/year). Efforts to upgrade the palm oil industry will increase productivity/efficiency, sustainability and encourage the creation of new products/markets as well as added value for palm oil. Things that can be upgraded include a number of key areas including bioenergy, biomaterials and oleochemicals, food and feed, soil fertility (land, soil and cultivation), post-harvest and processing, waste processing and the environment as well as socio-economics, management and business.

One concrete thing that can be done is the production of biochar from palm oil mill waste, especially empty fruit bunches (EFB) and palm fiber (mesocarp fiber). Biochar production by pyrolysis will produce excess energy (syngas & biooil) which can be used as boiler fuel in palm oil mills. Furthermore, the application of biochar with fertilizer on palm oil plantations will become slow release fertilizer (SRF), thereby increasing nutrient use efficiency (NUE). The condition of many oil palm plantations on acidic soil will also increase in pH when biochar is applied.

In palm oil plantation operations, fertilizer is the highest cost component so that if you can increase fertilizer efficiency it will provide significant benefits. The use of biochar is the solution, namely SRF. SRF also minimizes environmental pollution due to the use of fertilizer. Meanwhile, in palm oil mill operations, energy is a vital component, and if this can maximize the use of waste that has no economic value, it will certainly be very economical apart from of course overcoming environmental problems caused by this waste. Currently, palm oil mills use palm fiber (mesocarp fiber) and some palm kernel shells (PKS/palm kernel shell) for boiler materials, while generally the empty fruit bunches (EFB) have not been used, even though these palm kernel shells (PKS) can be sold directly and sell well. This means that if the energy source only comes from palm fiber (mesocarp fiber) and empty fruit bunches (EFB), 100% of the palm kernel shells (PKS) can be sold. This can be done by pyrolysis.

Biochar in the soil can last hundreds or even thousands of years. Biochar which comes from agricultural waste such as empty fruit bunches (EFB) and palm fiber (mesocarp fiber) will become a carbon sink through carbon sequestration, so that the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is reduced as long as the biochar is not decomposed. From a climate perspective, this is very beneficial and later you can get compensation in the form of carbon credits. A number of standards and verification methods to facilitate monetization are currently being developed.

Empty fruit bunches (EFB) and palm fiber (mesocarp fiber) are waste from palm oil mills, whereas biochar is applied in palm oil plantations. Management in the palm oil industry generally separates the mill division and the plantation division, so new management methods are needed if biochar production using pyrolysis is carried out. Apart from using biochar for core plantations (managed by palm oil company), it can also be used for plasma plantations (managed by farmer).

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Biofuel or Electric Vehicle First?

The decarbonization trend continues and has penetrated almost all lines, including the transportation sector. In the transportation sector, there are 2 things that can be done, namely the use of fuel from renewable energy or biofuel and the use of emission-free vehicles such as electric vehicles. In vehicles with 100% renewable energy or biofuel, the emissions produced are carbon neutral (even though the emissions contain CO2) while electric vehicles produce no emissions at all because there is no combustion process in the operation of the electric vehicle.

Currently, the majority of vehicles are vehicles with internal combustion engine technology, so they use fuel for their operations and the most widely used fuel is fossil fuel, especially in liquid form or liquid fuel. To achieve carbon neutral conditions, this fuel must be replaced with 100% biofuel. But currently, even though the use of biofuel has been carried out, the portion is not yet 100%. Indeed, technically there are restrictions on the use of biofuel so that it cannot be 100% like bioethanol, so this is also a concern. However, of course efforts to use 100% biofuel will also be the main target, apart from the emissions factor to achieve carbon neutral conditions, internal combustion engine technology is also the majority so it only needs minor modifications or even no modifications at all.

Another fact is that currently most electric vehicles still use electrical energy sources from fossil fuel power plants, especially coal. Even though these electric vehicles are non-emissions, basically the energy source is fossil energy, only the locations are far apart. Electric cars as a new product are also generally more expensive, even double or more than cars in general. This condition also affects the amount of use of the cars or electric vehicles themselves.

Indonesia as a tropical country has enormous potential as a biofuel producer because various plants or trees can grow well. Even though palm oil is currently the largest vegetable oil producing crop and Indonesia is ranked first in the world with an area of palm oil plantations reaching around 15 million hectares, the oil from palm oil competes with edible oil and the maintenance costs are high. not cheap. Meanwhile, vegetable oil from energy trees such as nyamplung (calophyllum inophyllum), apart from its oil productivity, is not inferior to palm oil, and the oil does not compete with edible oil, read more details here. Apart from that, the nyamplung tree, which grows well in areas near the coast, also provides its own advantages, namely because Indonesia has the second longest coastline in the world after Canada, namely 99,093 km and the nyamplung tree is also a multi-purpose tree. Meanwhile, biofuel from biomass waste can also be done, but because production costs are still expensive, it still requires a number of stages for implementation.

Under these conditions, the development of biofuel, especially from trees such as nyamplung, should be prioritized. Meanwhile, even though electric vehicles are emission free, their electricity source still uses fossil fuels. Efforts to reduce fossil fuels in power plants by cofiring have been carried out but the portion is still very small, so the climate benefits are not yet significant. If the source of electrical energy can be 100% renewable energy, then the use of electric vehicles can also be said to be like the use of 100% biofuel in internal combustion engines.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

From Carbon Neutral to Carbon Negative : Development of Batteries, Wood Pellets, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Biochar

Research to develop large capacity batteries continues to be carried out so that electricity produced from renewable energy power plants such as wind and solar can be stored and used at any time. Electricity generation that comes from wind and sun is intermittent, that is, at any time the wind may not blow or there will be thick clouds or at night so there is no sunlight and electricity cannot be produced. In this condition, it is necessary to use a large capacity battery that can store this electricity. It is predicted that the development of this battery will not only require large costs but will also take a long time. It is predicted that it will take several decades for this battery to become a reality.

The current electricity supply, the majority of which still uses fossil fuels, especially coal, which has been proven to be environmentally unfriendly (carbon positive), needs to continue to be reduced and the portion of renewable energy in the form of wood pellets (carbon neutral) added by cofiring. The portion or ratio of cofiring can continue to be increased and can even be 100% using wood pellets (fulfiring). If the coal power plant can be changed 100% to a biomass or wood pellet fueled power plant, the power plant will become environmentally friendly or carbon neutral. And at a time when renewable energy sources are abundant and the electrical energy products can be stored in large capacity batteries, it is possible that power plants using combustion technology could be closed or stopped.

The use of wood pellets can be said to be an intermediate solution before the battery era. Large capacity wood pellet production will ideally use energy plantations as a supplier or source of raw materials. Fast rotation crops and plantations from legume groups such as calliandra and gliricidae are the right choice for these energy plantationns. Energy plantations themselves can act as carbon sinks or absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. With good management so that the volume of biomass or wood harvested is smaller or maximum equal to the plant growth rate, the function of energy plantations as carbon sinks continues to be maintained. Using wood pellets as carbon neutral fuel while managing energy plantations as a carbon sink or negative carbon provides optimal environmental benefits.


The use of 100% biomass fuel in power plants is carbon neutral, the same as the use of renewable energy from wind, water and sun. However, the use of biomass energy, especially wood pellets, is not intermittent and is always available when needed. Using batteries will be a solution to the intermittent problem. This 100% biomass fueled power plant can become carbon negative when using CCS (carbon capture and storage) devices. And this is very good because it can return the CO2 emitted into the atmosphere back to the bowels of the earth (carbon negative). And when coal power plants are installed with CCS devices, they will become carbon neutral. However, the CCS device is still very expensive and its operation is also not cheap.

And when the battery era arrives so that electricity generation using combustion technology is closed or stopped, the wood from the energy plantations that have been created will be used as raw material for biochar. It is possible that the wood from these energy plantations is still made into wood pellets to save transportation costs and make handling easier and then taken to pyrolysis facilities for biochar production. Biochar used in agriculture has dual benefits, namely improving soil quality and as a carbon sink. Using biochar with fertilizer will create slow release fertilizer, thereby increasing NUE (nutrient use efficiency) for plants, thereby saving fertilizer costs and reducing environmental pollution. Biochar is able to last or not decompose for hundreds of years or is permanent in the soil. The more biochar used, the more benefits it will provide for soil fertility and climate. Biochar as a carbon sink or carbon sequestration is also carbon negative. Energy plantations with good management will become carbon sinks and the biochar is also a carbon sink in the form of carbon sequestration, of course this provides the most optimal climate benefits.

Optimizing Calliandra Energy Plantations for Energy, Food and Feed, Is It Possible?

Calliandra energy plantations as the name implies are indeed prioritized or for the main purpose of producing energy from biomass, either wo...