Sunday, January 28, 2018

Converting Rubber Plantation into Energy Plantation

The fall of rubber prices was followed by the omission until the logging of the plantations. These rubber plantations become damaged and even bare and provide no benefit and even potentially catastrophic. Farmers and rubber entrepreneurs would want to recover even if it could be better about the condition of their previous income hangs from the rubber. It is very likely to be done if they are willing to do it. One of them is by converting the rubber plantation into an energy plantation. What kind of energy plantation should be sought? The multipurpose energy plantations so it can provide many benefits and respite from various obstacles. For more details about the multipurpose energy plantation, can be read here.
Just like the food sector, energy demand is also increasing along with population growth. With Indonesia's population reaching 260 million, energy demand is also very big, especially with export market demand driven by climate improvement efforts by lowering the temperature of the earth or reducing the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, the energy needs, especially renewable energy, more specifically the biomass fuel will also be very big. Wood pellets are very popular biomass fuels and include carbon neutral because they do not increase the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. The problem of expensive and scarce energy of 3 kg LPG gas in many areas in Indonesia should also be overcome with the wood pellet.

Currently rubber plantations in Indonesia have an area of ​​3.4 million hectares or ranked no. 1 of the world followed by Thailand as the second rank with 2 million hectares, and is potential to be converted into a multipurpose energy plantation. In addition to producing wood as a source of energy as a main product and managed sustainably, energy plantation is also able to sheep farming that produce meat with very economical. Honey bee farming can also enrich and provide additional attractive income.

Friday, January 19, 2018

The Multipurpose Energy Plantation

Experience is the best teacher, so the saying goes. So is the problem of renewable energy, especially biomass-based, some of them are the failure of biodiesel production program from jatropha curcas, as well as bioethanol from cassava and sugarcane which is also tragic because it also failed. We need to review and analyze the root causes of the failure so that the failure is not repeated again. In the jatropha energy plantation for biodiesel feedstocks the productivity of jatropha seeds is small and can not compete with diesel oil in the market. In addition, Jatropha leaves can not be used for livestock feeds, whereas if its woody biomass are harvested for energy sources other than the amount is not much, it will also clearly disturb the productivity of the seeds, as its main product.

While on the production of bioethanol from cassava and sugarcane there was a conflict of interest between food and energy sector. Go to the Qur'an should be a reference and a guide to the problem, which can be read here. Imports of Indonesia's sugar is currently still 1.3 million tons while for tapioca is still imported with a range of 1 million tons. This means to meet the food sector whose priority is more important is still lacking then for the energy sector of course worse. But it is still a good idea that the conflict of interest between food and energy is not to cause a riot like what happened in Mexico for a time known as Tortila melee. Learning from the case of failures, should not make us retreat back and even in the era of bioeconomy will be the greater portion of energy from the plants both trees and seasonal crops.
So how is the solution to be able to rise from past failures and have a significant role in this era of bioeconomy? The Qur'an again give us guidance that energy comes from trees and fruits. More details about it can be read here and here. A practical example of a multipurpose energy plantation coming from trees is the solution. The trees include leguminoceae group capable of producing within a short period of time with high woody biomass productivity of 1 year only, and no replanting required up to 20 years. In addition to these trees also produce leaves rich in protein so it is good for animal feed also roots are able to bind the nitrogen so fertilize the soil. Stages of wood pellet production from energy plantation can be read here.

Wood pellets produced can also multipurpose, that is in addition to use for fuel in the power plants and boilers, can also be a household fuel for cooking. In addition to environmental problems such as climate change due to atmospheric CO2 concentration that has exceeded the threshold, it turns out the problem of fuel scarcity, especially LPG (Propane) occurs in many areas in Indonesia. The problem of LPG scarcity is triggering social problems because people who are already dependent on the fuel, become unprepared with the other kind of fuel. The wood stoves have been abandoned, if there is any availability of firewood is also limited, especially for the rainy season. Wood pellets can be the solution to the problem, moreover there have been many efficient wood pellet stoves with almost no smoke pollution.
When calculated with the price of LPG the price of wood pellets is also cheaper, ie with the same calorific value of two and a half kg of wood pellet (value of 4,400 kcal / kg) at a price of Rp 3750, - while one kilo of LPG (11,000 kcal / kg) Rp 6000, - Savings that can be done Rp 2250 / kg or 37.5% which means more than a third. In addition, the use of wood pellets is also more safe, will not explode as well as LPG. The damaged hose and then the gas leak caused a lot of explosion. Storage of wood pellets is also as easy as storing rice. With small packings such as 5 kg or 10 kg, the use of wood pellets is more practical and easy to distribute. In conclusion: multipurpose energy plantation with leguminoceae trees will provide many benefits, mainly energy, then sheep farming to increase soil fertility. Even further, the Qur'an in Surat Yaasiin verse 33 mentions the leguminoceae trees a pioneering plant that can revive dead lands.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Catching Up the Great Opportunity of OPT Pellet Part 2

The abundance of old palm trunks left only in the palm oil plantations until they become decay after entering the unproductive period is one form of waste or inefficiency in the utilization of natural resources. These palm trunks are very potential to be processed into pellet or oil palm trunk pellets (OPT Pellets) which is currently also an export commodity. In addition, there are also a lot of waste namely oil palm fronds  that are only stacked in the oil palm plantationns to wait its decay. Of course it is also a kind of waste or inefficient use of natural resources as well as the case of the palm trunks above. Why do we let it linger? Let's find a solution to that.

These oil palm fronds can be used as fuel for drying the palm trunk powder before it is made pellet. Yes, the palm trunks should be reduced the size (size reduction stage) into the size of wood powder (sawdust) and then dried and then pelleted. In this way biomass wastes become utilized instead of polluting the environment and becoming a business unit. The palm fronds can be directly used as fuel in the furnace with hot flue gas for drying the palm trunk powder. Ash from burning palm trunk can also be returned to the plantation as potassium (K)-rich fertilizer.
Currently we have OPT Pellet request for export market with capacity 1,000 ton / month. For oil palm entrepreneurs or the energy sector who are interested in following up the opportunity, can write an email to

Friday, January 5, 2018

Migration From Fossil Based Economy to Bioeconomy

Completing the writings on bioeconomy at Go Biomass, Go Bioeconomy!, the short article below try to sharpen and provide various rules or guidelines and motivations for together  to catch  bioeconomy opportunities in shari'a concept by using the guidance of the Qur'an and Hadith. If in the era of fossil based economy, the oil-rich countries (petro dollars) become prosperous countries with abundant wealth, then in the next era of bioeconomy opportunities to switch to countries that have the most biomass wealth. The biomass of plants and animals will live and flourish well in countries with plenty of water and sun, so these are the best places in the future of bioeconomy. Key points that need to be considered, understood and managed properly include business, economics, agriculture, forestry, livestock, fisheries, food, energy, industry, biochemicals and biomaterials.

Europe launches bioeconomy by 2030. In the energy sector, renewable energy use in RED I (Renewable Energy Directive) with 20-20-20 target is 20% increase in energy efficiency, then renewable energy usage reach 20% by 2020, will soon end and the proposed RED II proposed use of renewable energy to 27% by 2030. The share of renewable energy in Europe both in RED I and RED II biomass holds a share of about 70% of it. North American countries such as the United States and Canada also launched massive renewable energy, such as the US Department of Energy and Agriculture to produce a dry biomass production of at least 1 billion tonnes by 2040. While in Canada a number of states have even closed coal-fired steam power plants and gas, and then using renewable energy, especially biomass. Alberta City in Canada proclaims the cessation of all coal and natural gas combustion by 2030. While in Asia, two countries in North Asia namely Japan and South Korea have launched massive renewable energy usage since 2012. Other Asian countries have also launched programs use of renewable energy, such as Indonesia on its National Energy Policy, Malaysia with the National Renewable Energy Policy and Action Plan, Thailand with theAlternative Energy Development Plan.
What kind of bio-economy we will do? What is the difference with bioeconomy applied in the West and other parts of the world? Why do we choose the bioeconomy? Bioeconomy with the basis of Al Qur'an and Hadith that is, bioeconomy that we will do. Not like in the West where is still confuse where food crops and which for energy? Confused which grain crop for human food and where to feed cattle? Grasses for example are obvious for animal feed, but grains can be for animal feed and more for human food. Fruits are generally for human food, but can also be in less amount for energy. Woods are mostly for energy. With a clear division of food, feed, and energy, we should not experience food crises caused by food being used for energy such as Mexico's tortilla melee, as well as the scarcity of soybeans due to China's sucking up of world soybean production to feed its livestock. Based on the mention of the verses of the Qur'an about food, fodder and energy, it will produce portions such as graph illustration below. There are at least 7 verses in the Qur'an that talk about food, 6 verses about the fodder and 2 verses about energy. The majority of crops for human food, then in almost the same amount for livestock feed and in smaller amounts for energy. Applications and explanations can be more detailed here and here.

Food, energy and water security  must be done simultaneously. And the important thing is this is our duty as Muslims. If we do not take this role, it is certain that the role will be taken by others. If that happens so stronger economic, political and other interests will dominate than to preserve life itself. Moreover Allah Almighty reminds us not to leave the weak generation (QS 4: 9), the duty to prosper the earth (QS 11:61) and to maintain the balance in nature (Surah 55: 8-9). As for carrying out the task Allah Almighty gives us instructions and explanations (QS 2: 185), in order to answer all the problems and challenges of our times (QS 16:89) -even Allah will also teach the knowledge we do not yet know, if we increase our piety (QS 2: 282).

With such a series of highly detailed guidelines, it is conceivable that the matters of maintaining food, energy and water security are managed by people who do not use His instructions. They will easily exploit human food needs, take over  the springs that are supposed to share interests and control the world's energy supply for the economic interests of a few people. This is a big and heavy problem, but if we leave it to others as we experience in these days, we experience a three-dimensional crisis at once, namely food, water and energy. So heavy as anything, we must begin to learn to bear it.

Thus it is easy to understand why the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam reminds these people to syirkah (economic cooperation) in three ways: "The Muslims are syirkah in three ways, in terms of pasture (land), water and fire (energy) ". (HR.Sunan Abu Daud). The three things out there are called FEW (Food, Energy, Water), and become a seizure and even a reason for war, while in the Islamic world could even be the starting point to united.
Photo taken from here
Long before the modern world introduced the concept of bioeconomy, Muslims had for more than 1000 years prospered prospering the earth in most parts of the world, ie from the time in Andalusia and then continued by Ottoman Turkey - And only ended when Napoleon colonialist entered Egypt in the early 19th century. Then the Chinese Academy of Science held a workshop in Beijing some time ago, titled Workshop on Agriculture Culture and Sustainable Development in Asia with speaker Andrew M Watson, professor of Economic History from the University of Toronto-Canada. The professor is very much understood of the history of Islamic agriculture, since more than 30 years ago published the book "Agricultural Innovation in the Early Islamic World, The Diffusion of Crops and Farming Techniques, 700-1100" (Cambridge University Press, New York 1983).
The professor also admitted that in the very long span of time, it is Islamic agriculture that is advanced. He notes, for example, in the days before Islam, the agriculture of the Romans, Byzantines and so on, is still very simple. At best the land is only used once a year, and more often only once in two years. High tax of lands in the Roman region at that time also made it more difficult for agricultural activities. Even all the cool terms that are now loved by many modern farmers such as permaculture, organic farming, natural farming, sustainable agriculture and so on are actually only a small part of Islamic Agriculture covering a very wide aspect of the world of agriculture. So at the turn of the fossil-based economy toward the bio-based economy or bioeconomy this is the Moslem back victorious. Insha Allah.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Transmigration For Sheep Grazing In Palm Oil Plantation, Is It Possible?

"It is He Who has sent down rain from the sky for you, partly a drink and partly (fertilizes) the plants, on which you are grazing your cattle. "(QS 16:10)

"Eat and graze your cattle. Verily in that is, there are signs of Allah for those who understand. "(QS 20:54)

"" Every Prophet sent by Allah is shepherded sheep / goats ". His friends asked: "So are you?"; The Messenger of Allah said: "Yes, I herded with the wages of some qirath  from the Mecca inhabitants". (H.R. Bukhari)

Indonesia has around 12 million hectares of palm oil plantations currently, comprising 4.8 million hectares of smallholder plantations, 6.2 million hectares of private plantations and 0.8 million hectares of state plantations. The palm oil plantation requires a number of treatments that can continue to produce especially with the target of producing certain fresh fruit bunches (FFB) per hectare. Moreover, the productivity of FFB in Indonesia in general is also lower than Malaysia, which is only about half. Maintaining soil fertility is an important factor to maintain the continuity and production target of palm oil FFB. Efforts to maintain soil fertility is cheap, easy, effective and sustainable is what is sought by all farmers or entrepreneurs of palm oil. Grazing sheep in palm oil plantations is an effective solution.
Why sheep grazing can be such an effective solution? The sheep that are grazed in the palm oil plantation, will spread the dung into fertilizer for palm oil plantations. In addition to fertilize palm trees, sheep grazing in the palm oil plantation also means massive and most economical meat production. Viewed from the food side, palm oil is used as an oil in human consumption or edible oil  provides fat, while lamb (sheep) provides protein, two things essential for human food. Palm oil plantations need to keep their soil fertile, meat consumption of the Indonesian population is still low only 1/4 of the world so needs to be improved, sheep also export commodities, which Saudi Arabia needs at least 8 million head / year, and economic activities outside Java need continue to be increased so that jobs can continue to be opened, the current distribution of 60% of Indonesian population is concentrated in Java island, are the driving force of sheep grazing in palm oil plantations. Sheep will be the best treasure of Muslims and have many advantages over other livestock, for more details can be read here, here and here.

Allan Savory, a biologist from Zimbabwe has proven with a planned grazing program, or with the concept of Holistic Planned Grazing, has even saved the earth by re-greening it with very large area, namely  ​​16 million hectares or nearly 2.5 times the area of ​​Indonesian palm oil plantation. Allan Savory uses the cow as the grazing animal. Sheep are definitely superior in some aspects, such as the explanation in the links above. Allan Savory alone who only human beings with the concept can prove save the earth with the extent of millions of hectares, well what if the sunnah (example) of the Prophets applied namely sheep grazing applied? Of course the result will far outweigh the concept of Allan Savory in all its aspects, let alone just overcome a number of problems in palm oil plantations and our food, especially meat. In addition, it is clear that the above verses of the Qur'an also gives hint as to where the actual grazing sites are most suitable for livestock. Are Muslim farmers and businessmen in Indonesia and Malaysia not particularly interested in applying sheep grazing in their palm oil plantations as an effective solution, following the sunnah (example) and guidance of the Qur'anic verses above?

Portion of Animal Protein Sources According to the Qur'an
Transmigration that was once encouraged in the New Order era in Indonesia, should be done again. When transmigration at that time to farm by cultivating the soil and planting crops, even to the opening of a million hectares of rice fields that are currently conditions are pathetic, then the current transmigration is for sheep grazing in the area of ​​palm oil plantations. It will be easier, because the  palm oil plantations have also existed and are very wide. If it is applied then there will be hundreds of millions of sheep grazed in palm oil plantations and very many jobs are available. Al Qur'an also indicates the source of protein from big livestock occupies the largest portion of poultry and fish. The source of animal protein ie from big livestock is revealed in at least 7 verses or 64%, of fish revealed in 3 verses or 27% and of poultry revealed in 1 verse or 9%. So for the fulfillment of protein needs the priority is from large livestock, especially be grazed, because in addition to producing cheap protein, also fertilize the land for various human needs.
In terms of energy, palm trees as well as a source of renewable energy. The oil in addition to food is also to for energy ie biodiesel, coir (mesocrap fiber) and shell as well as fuel. Palm kernel shells have become export commodities that are sought after by many countries in the world. Even when the palm shell is exhausted due to high demand for both export and domestic use, the empty fruit bunches (EFB) will also be used for fuels such as EFB pellets. When the empty palm fruit bunches are composted, and then pellet is made, so the fertility of the soil becomes a problem then grazing the sheep as a solution, for more details can be read here. The use of palm trees as a source of food and energy in line with the era of bioeconomy that we will soon enter. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Export Pellets Fuel And Soil Fertility

There are some people who worry if bioenergy export especially pellets fuel is done massively so soil fertility will decrease or the soil become damaged. Why are they worried about this? Because the intended pellet fuel is EFB pellets or empty fruit bunches of palm oilpellets . Empty fruit bunch of palm oil as raw material EFB pellet is indeed currently many processed into compost or solid organic fertilizer is used on the palm plantation. If there is no fertilizer or nutrients for the palm oil trees it is true that the fertility of the soil will be damaged. Wastes of palm oil plantations such as midrib and leaves can also be composted but will be even more difficult, because  first, as it requires additional effort to collect them, whereas EFB is produced daily in large quantities in palm oil mills so there is no need to collect them. While midrib and palm leaf is the waste of plantation that spread or scattered in the plantation itself. Second, EFB from palm oil tree have high water content because previously done steamming process in CPO production. The high water content of EFB palm oil or about 60% makes it easy to compost because the material is easily decomposed into compost. While the midrib and leaves are generally dry, making it more difficult to compost.

The problems above can be overcome by grazing livestock, especially sheep. With grazing, the grass between the palm trees becomes the feed for the sheep, manure becomes fertilizer for palm oil trees and meat for human consumption. With such grazing, humans can produce meat and fertilize palm oil plantations very economically. A success story reference of this grazing is Allan Savory a biologist from Zimbabwe, whose Holistic Planned Grazing concept has been applied today to about 16 million hectares worldwide or about twice the area of our oil palm plantations. There are a number of factors of sheep grazing superiority compared to cows, which can be read on this link, this and this.
Then what about the pellets fuel from woody biomass or wood pellet from energy plantations? Trees planted as energy plantation are generally leguminoesae whose roots are able to bind nitrogen (nitrogen fixing trees), so it can be a pioneer plant and can grow almost anywhere including in barren or arid lands. The trees are even able to fertilize the land that was originally arid or the dead earth. But to get the best wood productivity the fertile and well-maintained soil (although the treatment is also very easy) should be met. Prepared and precise sheep grazing is one such treatment at the same time we will produce the most economical meat.

Dive Cofiring Market

Cofiring becomes an easy entry point for substitution of coal into wood pellet at pulverized power plant system. The cofiring process can also start from small to large percentage, even can change it to 100% using wood pellet later. All pellets fuel of either wood pellet or agro-waste pellet can be used in this cofiring. Agro-waste pellets can be used in smaller portions than wood pellets, because the content of ash is higher than wood pellets. In addition, the agro-waste pellet or pellet ash content made from agricultural wastes is also high in potassium and silica content which has low melting point. In addition, some agricultural wastes also contain high chlorine which is corrosive to boiler pipes.

Pulverised combustion at power plant
South Korea's Southeast Power Co (KOSEP) power plant Yeongheung 5000 MW power station with 6% cofiring with wood pellets does not require any modification at all and requires about 10 million tons of coal with 600,000 tons / year of wood pellets. At a coefficient ratio of 3-10% on proven success in various electric power plants worldwide and also not needed modification of power plants. While cofiring with agro-waste namely straw  has done Studstrup in Danish, reaching the ratio of 10% also with no modifications. The highest ratio for agro-waste or agricultural waste is 20% can still run well without modification of the power plant. The corrosion rate on 10% cofiring straw matches the routine use of coal, whereas in cofiring 20% ​​the straw corrosion velocity is higher. Even after 2 years of operation, 10% straw cofiring gives good performance and is acceptable in daily operation of the plant. Straw is a very large agricultural waste in Denmark and also as a major biomass fuel. Conversion of up to 100% (full firing) wood pellets has also been carried out by a number of power plants and with only minor modifications to the plant, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) Atikokan 240 MW.
Shinchi Power Station Japan 2 x 1000 MW with 3% cofiring requiring wood pellet 130.000 ton / year

Drax Power Station UK running 2x650 MW with 100% wood pellet requires about 6.3 million tons / year

Studstrup power station Denmark 700 MW cofiring up to 20% with straw
Currently there is a tendency for large coal-fired power stations with pulverized systems to begin cofiring with various percentages and different types of pellets  fuel. In addition, a number of power plants that use 100% wood pellets are also widely built, such as in Japan. The driving force is because the state or government concerned also has a policy in that direction. There are a number of countries that have large forests so that wood pellets can be easily produced eg the United States and Canada, on the contrary there are limited forest areas but abundant agricultural waste, such as China and Denmark. It is predicted that world wood pellet consumption will reach 50million tons in 2024 (minus China only), with South Korea and Japan alone reaching 20 million tons by 2020. A projection for cofiring in China if 16% of power plants there cofiring with a ratio of 5 %, then the wood pellet requirement for that country alone reaches nearly 40 million tonnes. Even with very large agricultural waste but with limited forest area, China will import for the wood pellets according to the projection.
Based on the growing wood pellet market for cofiring is certainly a great opportunity for Indonesia as a tropical country, with a vast, fertile land to become the main player of wood pellets to provide the cofiring market. Of course this is an exciting business opportunity and we should not just be spectators in this era of bioeconomy or biomass. With a tropical climate, energy plantations in Indonesia only need 1 year to produce a woody biomass equivalent to 4 years of energy plantations in Europe. The use of wood from trees (syajara) for energy sources also according to the instructions of the Qur'an for more detail can be read here. The vast lands go green and produce woody biomass for pellets, as well as with sheep grazing as the best treasure and meat production primarily to increase our consumption of the new 1/4 world average or 10 kg / year / capita. Stage of wood pellet production from energy plantation can be read here. Once the oar 2-3 is exceeded, become a producer of wood pellets, meat producers as well as fertilizing the soil. Finally fellow Muslims should bersyirkah (Islamic economic cooperation) to realize the opportunity. 

Optimizing Calliandra Energy Plantations for Energy, Food and Feed, Is It Possible?

Calliandra energy plantations as the name implies are indeed prioritized or for the main purpose of producing energy from biomass, either wo...