Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Substituting LPG With Wood Pellet

Scarcity and price of LPG gas in a number of places while on the other hand the potential raw material of pellets from wood waste and other biomass is abundant, is an opportunity that has not been considered by many people. Almost all wood waste and biomass can be used as fuel pellets with high calorific value. When molded in the form of pellets, hence its use becomes easier, cheaper and wider application. Why has not been much use pellets specifically for domestic applications or more specifically for the household in Indonesia? This is because just little producers that produce pellets fuel for the domestic consumption, because generally most to meet export requirements. As for the domestic industry has been pretty much doing the conversion to pellets fuel.

LPG has calorific value of 11,000 kcal / kg while the wood pellets or fuel pellets have a calorific value of about 4000 kcal / kg, one kg of LPG means equivalent to three kgs of pellets fuel. LPG subsidy currently costs Rp 6000, -/kg, while the price of pellets fuel perkg her about a quarter or USD 1500/kg. This is so it will save about 25% when doing the substitution of fuel to the fuel type. Stoves are specifically designed to easily and efficiently will make use of the rapidly increasing use of pellets for households. Both household and industrial scale will be much to save when doing the substitution. Especially for industries that use non-subsidized fuel savings will be even more when using this pellets fuel.

Source of raw materials for the production of wood pellets especially from woody biomass material from waste wood such as sengon wood, albasia and so on. Other alternative is by making the energy plantation or the energy forest to ensure the availability of energy and sustainable supply of raw materials. As for pellets fuel feedstock  then almost all the biomass waste such as agricultural waste and plantation can be used as cobs and corn stalks, cassava stems, baggase, rice husks, palm empty fruit bunches and so on.


  1. Gas alert monitors or gas detectors are safety devices that help in detection of gas leakage to the atmosphere. Available both for domestic as well as industrial usage, a gas monitor rings an alarm when the presence of a certain gas in the atmosphere exceeds permissible levels. Matthew Fleeger is a Dallas-based businessman

  2. Using the portable LPG gas leak detector is like having your own personal superhero that can sniff out danger and save the day, or at least save you from an explosive situation! :)


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