Friday, January 5, 2018

Migration From Fossil Based Economy to Bioeconomy

Completing the writings on bioeconomy at Go Biomass, Go Bioeconomy!, the short article below try to sharpen and provide various rules or guidelines and motivations for together  to catch  bioeconomy opportunities in shari'a concept by using the guidance of the Qur'an and Hadith. If in the era of fossil based economy, the oil-rich countries (petro dollars) become prosperous countries with abundant wealth, then in the next era of bioeconomy opportunities to switch to countries that have the most biomass wealth. The biomass of plants and animals will live and flourish well in countries with plenty of water and sun, so these are the best places in the future of bioeconomy. Key points that need to be considered, understood and managed properly include business, economics, agriculture, forestry, livestock, fisheries, food, energy, industry, biochemicals and biomaterials.

Europe launches bioeconomy by 2030. In the energy sector, renewable energy use in RED I (Renewable Energy Directive) with 20-20-20 target is 20% increase in energy efficiency, then renewable energy usage reach 20% by 2020, will soon end and the proposed RED II proposed use of renewable energy to 27% by 2030. The share of renewable energy in Europe both in RED I and RED II biomass holds a share of about 70% of it. North American countries such as the United States and Canada also launched massive renewable energy, such as the US Department of Energy and Agriculture to produce a dry biomass production of at least 1 billion tonnes by 2040. While in Canada a number of states have even closed coal-fired steam power plants and gas, and then using renewable energy, especially biomass. Alberta City in Canada proclaims the cessation of all coal and natural gas combustion by 2030. While in Asia, two countries in North Asia namely Japan and South Korea have launched massive renewable energy usage since 2012. Other Asian countries have also launched programs use of renewable energy, such as Indonesia on its National Energy Policy, Malaysia with the National Renewable Energy Policy and Action Plan, Thailand with theAlternative Energy Development Plan.
What kind of bio-economy we will do? What is the difference with bioeconomy applied in the West and other parts of the world? Why do we choose the bioeconomy? Bioeconomy with the basis of Al Qur'an and Hadith that is, bioeconomy that we will do. Not like in the West where is still confuse where food crops and which for energy? Confused which grain crop for human food and where to feed cattle? Grasses for example are obvious for animal feed, but grains can be for animal feed and more for human food. Fruits are generally for human food, but can also be in less amount for energy. Woods are mostly for energy. With a clear division of food, feed, and energy, we should not experience food crises caused by food being used for energy such as Mexico's tortilla melee, as well as the scarcity of soybeans due to China's sucking up of world soybean production to feed its livestock. Based on the mention of the verses of the Qur'an about food, fodder and energy, it will produce portions such as graph illustration below. There are at least 7 verses in the Qur'an that talk about food, 6 verses about the fodder and 2 verses about energy. The majority of crops for human food, then in almost the same amount for livestock feed and in smaller amounts for energy. Applications and explanations can be more detailed here and here.

Food, energy and water security  must be done simultaneously. And the important thing is this is our duty as Muslims. If we do not take this role, it is certain that the role will be taken by others. If that happens so stronger economic, political and other interests will dominate than to preserve life itself. Moreover Allah Almighty reminds us not to leave the weak generation (QS 4: 9), the duty to prosper the earth (QS 11:61) and to maintain the balance in nature (Surah 55: 8-9). As for carrying out the task Allah Almighty gives us instructions and explanations (QS 2: 185), in order to answer all the problems and challenges of our times (QS 16:89) -even Allah will also teach the knowledge we do not yet know, if we increase our piety (QS 2: 282).

With such a series of highly detailed guidelines, it is conceivable that the matters of maintaining food, energy and water security are managed by people who do not use His instructions. They will easily exploit human food needs, take over  the springs that are supposed to share interests and control the world's energy supply for the economic interests of a few people. This is a big and heavy problem, but if we leave it to others as we experience in these days, we experience a three-dimensional crisis at once, namely food, water and energy. So heavy as anything, we must begin to learn to bear it.

Thus it is easy to understand why the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam reminds these people to syirkah (economic cooperation) in three ways: "The Muslims are syirkah in three ways, in terms of pasture (land), water and fire (energy) ". (HR.Sunan Abu Daud). The three things out there are called FEW (Food, Energy, Water), and become a seizure and even a reason for war, while in the Islamic world could even be the starting point to united.
Photo taken from here
Long before the modern world introduced the concept of bioeconomy, Muslims had for more than 1000 years prospered prospering the earth in most parts of the world, ie from the time in Andalusia and then continued by Ottoman Turkey - And only ended when Napoleon colonialist entered Egypt in the early 19th century. Then the Chinese Academy of Science held a workshop in Beijing some time ago, titled Workshop on Agriculture Culture and Sustainable Development in Asia with speaker Andrew M Watson, professor of Economic History from the University of Toronto-Canada. The professor is very much understood of the history of Islamic agriculture, since more than 30 years ago published the book "Agricultural Innovation in the Early Islamic World, The Diffusion of Crops and Farming Techniques, 700-1100" (Cambridge University Press, New York 1983).
The professor also admitted that in the very long span of time, it is Islamic agriculture that is advanced. He notes, for example, in the days before Islam, the agriculture of the Romans, Byzantines and so on, is still very simple. At best the land is only used once a year, and more often only once in two years. High tax of lands in the Roman region at that time also made it more difficult for agricultural activities. Even all the cool terms that are now loved by many modern farmers such as permaculture, organic farming, natural farming, sustainable agriculture and so on are actually only a small part of Islamic Agriculture covering a very wide aspect of the world of agriculture. So at the turn of the fossil-based economy toward the bio-based economy or bioeconomy this is the Moslem back victorious. Insha Allah.

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