Sunday, January 26, 2014

Carbon Positive, Carbon Carbon Neutral or Negative?

Greenhouse gases from burning fossilfuels have caused the Earth's temperature to rise. Increasing the temperature of the earth or global warming causing numerous disasters due to climate change in a number of places on earth. When greenhouse gases not controlled then the result of damage to the environment of the earth will be more severe. Therefore, efforts were made to reduce greenhouse gases as the cause of environmental problems. In general, there are four common scenarios to prevent the global warming effect of CO2 in the atmosphere gradually, namely:
1.     increasing the efficiency so the fossil fuel consumption decreases,
2.     mix of renewable fuels with fossil fuels so that fossil fuel consumption has also decreased,
3.     substitution of fossil fuels with renewable fuels
4.     and the absorption of CO2 in the atmosphere so that the concentration of greenhouse gases can be reduced.
Here are some basic terms related to the above problems. Based on the origin and the effect that CO2 in the atmosphere then reviewed as follows:

A.    Carbon Positive
Fossil fuel or fuel mines are grouped into Carbon Positive fuel. This is because the burning of this fuel would make gas content in the atmosphere, especially CO2 will increase. Increased CO2 in the atmosphere is the source of global warming issues above.
Carbon Neutral cycle with biomass thermal route

Carbon Neutral Cycle with biomass densificaion (wood pellet) route
B.    Carbon Neutral
When CO2 gas in the atmosphere does not increase due to the generation of energy from an energy source it is said that energy sources Carbon Neutral.  Because it does not add to or reduce the balance of CO2 diatmosfer it is said to be environmentally friendly energy. Renewable energy sources such as biomass, wind, water and sun are Carbon Neutral. Material substitution of fossil fuels with renewable fuels included in the Carbon Neutral scenario.

C.    Carbon Negative
Currently the CO2 content in the atmosphere has exceeded the threshold limit. The latest report says has reached 390 ppm, this would need to be reduced concentration. Various technologies are developed in order to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Naturally the tree is able to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere, meaning that the more we plant a tree, the more CO2 diatmosfer reduced. Biochar or agricultural charcoal, the charcoal is used to fertilize the soil by placing it on the ground is a material that can absorb CO2 from the atmosphere as well as soil fertility, because its nutrient content and media for microbial breeding. Technology in the group Carbon Capture and Storage (CSS) is a Carbon Negative technology, although currently still very expensive investment.

Come be part of the solution to perform activities of Carbon Neutral and Carbon Negative, and minimize part of the problem with Carbon Positive activity.

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