Thursday, January 3, 2019

Wisdoms From the Work of Every Prophets & Messengers Who Graze the Sheeps

~ Ibn Hajar rahimahullah said, the ulema said, "The wisdom behind grazing sheeps before the time of prophethood is that they are accustomed to arranging goats which will naturally become accustomed to handling human problems." [Fathu Al Bari 1/144]

The prophets worked as sheeps grazer since they were little, so that they became human herders when they were big. As Moses and Muhammad and the other  prophets , at the beginning of their lives they have succeeded in becoming good sheep herders, in order to take lessons after the successful control of livestock towards the success of taking care of Adam's grandchildren in inviting, repairing and preaching them [1]. In order for the Da'i to succeed in preaching, it is necessary to have knowledge of the importance of sustainability and direct practice.

~ In the work of grazing sheeps, there are lessons to get used to the nature of nurturing and protecting. When they were patient in shepherding and gathering after being scattered in the pasture, they learned how to understand the differences in the nature of the people, differences in reasoning abilities. With these differences, those who disobey must be dealt with firmly and the weak must be supported.

This makes it easy for those who have such experience to accept the burden of preaching compared to those who start from directly from the beginning. That was the beginning of learning for the Prophets by facing different characteristics, some were weak, some were lame and intended to climb mountains, some were unable to cross the valley. From there, he learned how to achieve diverse desires as an introduction to getting to know humans with a variety of goals and objectives.[2]

This makes it easy for those who have such experience to accept the burden of da'wah compared to those who start from directly from the beginning. That was the beginning of learning for the Prophets by facing different characteristics, some were weak, some were lame and intended to climb mountains, some were unable to cross the valley. From there, he learned how to achieve diverse desires as an introduction to getting to know humans with a variety of goals and objectives.

~ Prophets graze sheep since they were small and they leaned their lives through their efforts, gave a message about the importance of a da'i depending on Allah SWT and did not depend on other people's lives.

If a person relies on someone else, then there will be a bad talk, while da'wah knows no strings attached, and a da'i must distance himself from the giving and alms of others. Humans will not accept the da'wah of people who have one day received alms and mercy, then another day, he advised him and warned him not to fall asleep with the world. Therefore, the provision of the Prophet Sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wa sallam was never the talk of the Quraysh, the Messenger of Allah lived among them by not asking for their mercy, the things which caused them afterwards could not bring up their services and kindness.

Foot Note:

[1] Assa’di, Al Mawahid Ar Rabbaniyah Minal Ayati Al Qur’aniyah, page.149

[2] Ibnu Hajar, Fathu Al Bari 4/441

Source : Fikih Sirah, Prof.Dr.Zaid bin Abdul Karim az-Zaid, Published by Darussunnah

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