Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Soon Sri Lanka Will Produce Massive Wood Pellets From Its Energy Plantations, Indonesia?

A Sri Lankan company, Trinco Pellets will produce wood pellets from fast-rotating plant, namely gliricidae and is planned to produce in 2020-2021. Its production capacity reaches 150,000 tons / year with the main market to Japan. The company aims to plant 1 billion gliricidae trees with the target of producing 15 million tons of gliricidae wood. In addition to the production of wood pellets, the wood is also used for electricity generation. Of course this is a breakthrough and acceleration for the development of the wood pellet industry. Indonesia clearly has far greater potential, and it can also be a reference for even a model to spur the spirit to play a greater role in the world wood pellet sector in particular and bioeconomy in general.
Gliricidae with calliandra are a group of legume plants that have roots that can bind nitrogen to fertilize the soil. Both can also be coppice so that they can be harvested every year and replanting is done after approximately 20 years. For additional references about calliandra and gamal can be read here. Optimization of energy plantations both calliandra or gliricidae is by raising both sheep and also can be sheep farms with cattle. This is because calliandra and gliricidae leaves are very good for animal feed because of the high protein content and the amount produced from the energy plantation is very much. For example if each hectare produces 20 tons of leaves, then for a 1,000 hectare plantation it will produce 20,000 tons of leaf waste. For more details, please read here. With this pattern, we are not only produce wood pellets, but also meat production, which is currently Indonedia still in a deficit. Integration of large plantations with large farms will provide optimal results, as can be read here. Insha Allah.

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