Saturday, March 29, 2014

Racing for Lowering The Temperature Of The Earth

Although the carbon neutral scenario does not reduce greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, but with this scenario does not add more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The use of carbon neutral fuel from biomass is the concrete step. Gradually the role of the biomass fuel usage is improved and strengthened with the support by the state regulations. A number of countries have dared to take an ambitious policy for the utilization of biomass in the massive scale. Confidence factor such as the solution to the environmental problems of climate change and global warming, depletion of fossil fuel reserves, the image of an environment friendly country that will be known the world , and the economy are driving some of those countries to implement the policy.

For Asia, South Korea has started using biomass massively with the officially issued the Renewable Portofolio Standard (RPS) in Korea in 2012. The regulation state that 2% of the electricity shall come from renewable energy. Percentage of renewable energy needs will increase in incremental reach 10% in 2022. Another driving force is the emissions trading scheme which will be issued in January 2015. Whereas in Japan the energy strategy to be the hit of nuclear reactors has since abandoned some time ago. The actual strategy including the manufacture of power plants with the composition of nuclear and renewable energy from 30% to 70% until 2030. Japan with a population about half the residents of Indonesia but its energy consumption 5 times in Indonesia. Japan is also targeting production of energy from biomass power plants with a capacity of 1100 MW until 2020. As for the use of renewable energy have a target to reduce Japan's emissions of CO2 by 1990 levels by 2030. While China has a goal to use the 11.4% from non-fossil fuels from primary energy consumption in 2015. Its CO2 emissions will be reduced by as much as 17%. The Target reduction of CO2 emissions by as much as 40-45% by 2020 to reach such a level in 2005. In Europe, with a target of 20-20-20 has prompted demand especially for biomass pellets fuel. Target 20-20-20 is a greenhouse gas reduction of 20%, 20% renewable energy use and energy efficiency at 20%. Effective tool in Europe to achieve the targets is the emissions trading scheme (emission trading scheme EU ETS/).
Indonesia has also announced to reduce fossil energy by 2025, with the share of fossil fuels 83% and renewable energy around 17% in particular biomass gets a share of less than 5%. The energy potential of biomass in Indonesia is huge i.e. equivalent electric 49,810 MW but in utilized is still less than 4% or equivalent of 1,680.4 MW. Critical land and unused land that reach millions hectares, become an extraordinary potential to provide energy plantations to produce biomass as an energy source. Optimisation of the potency will support the target achievement the energy consumption of biomass as renewable energy in total energy mix. . Finally the creation of a low-carbon economy can be a solution for the welfare of society and improve the quality of the environment, with the most popular commodities i.e. wood pellets. The Global market for these pellets predicted to rise from 16 million tons (2010) becomes 47 million tons in 2020.

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