Tuesday, April 14, 2020

VCO as an Immune Booster for Corona Virus (nCoV-19)

Indonesia is predicted to be an epicenter of corona cases, due to the slow and incomplete handling, lack of health facilities including laboratories, large population, wide area and poor transparancy distribution of cases. This is a concern for a number of scientists and countries in the world, so many have drawn their ambassadors from Indonesia.One thing that is very alarming is that it is very minimal of the population of the population tested by the corona, it makes the reports that appear to be inaccurate so that it cannot be used as a reference. The sadder thing from the minimal report of being infected with the corona is the high death rate detected i.e. a range of 9% or a very high category (higher than the international average). At present it is estimated that only around 0.001% (2,700 individuals) (3/24/2020) of the population are added and complaints are added about the accuracy and duration of the corona test process, so massive tests must be carried out immediately.

A number of simulations and models have been carried out to predict the spread of the corona viris infection. Here are some simulations and modelings that we can make reference. The professor of applied mathematics at the University of Essex in the UK estimates that 50% of Jakarta's population will be infected within 50 days of the first case being confirmed on March 2, or that means on April 21, 2020. Another model from LSHTM (London of School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine) estimates there will be more than 35,000 cases recorded at the end of March 2020, where the number of infected people reaches more than 960,000 people. Meanwhile, from a joint research of a number of universities in Indonesia, it is stated that the death of Covid 19 in Indonesia could reach 2.6 million people (very much or almost 1% of the population). According to them the peak cases of infection reached 55 million people in May 2020, and the peak ICU requirement was around 6 million people. And of those treated in the ICU it is estimated that 1% will need a ventilator or means that it needs 60,000 ventilators. Basically, the modeling curve is to effectively reduce the number of infected people or make the curve flatter so that it is below the capacity of the hospital, which makes the expected percentage of the population helped is greater.

Prediction of corona outbreaks in Indonesia
Based on the above conditions, it is predicted that the corona virus outbreak will take a long time to overcome (and if no systematic radical steps are taken such as tight lockdown), it will take more than 1 year to predict. Of course this will be very hard for people's lives, especially from the economic and social-security sector. Moreover, tens of thousands of prisoners have also been released from prisons in Indonesia. This should encourage the population to be increasingly vigilant and anticipatory, including by taking various preventive measures to increase the body's immunity against virus attacks, especially the corona virus by consuming food supplements that support it.

VCO is different from coconut cooking oil because VCO is made without heating to produce medium saturated chain fatty acids or Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA), vitamin E, anti-oxidants and enzymes in coconut fruit. Lauric acid in VCO is easily absorbed to the mitochondria so it will increase the body's metabolism. Saturated fatty acid, lauric acid consists of 12 carbon atoms, which are bound saturated (no double bonds) by hydrogen atoms. This makes it not easy to rancid and can last up to 2 years. With these 12 carbon atoms, lauric acid is called medium chain fatty acid (MCFA). While other fatty acids or oils in general such as palm cooking oil, peanut oil and so on are long chain fatty acids (LCFA) and their chemical bonds are not saturated (double bonds). Lauric acid will be converted into monolaurin or a monoglyceride compound obtained by babies from breast milk which has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-protozoa properties.

Medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) can be directly absorbed through the intestinal wall when they reach the digestive tract, this process is faster because without going through the hydrolysis and enzymatic processes. Furthermore, it is directly supplied into the bloodstream and immediately brought into the liver to be metabolized. In the liver, VCO is processed into energy only, not LDL cholesterol and not fat deposits, the energy is used to improve the function of all endocrine glands, organs and body tissues. Medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) have small molecular sizes, so they are easily digested and can be directly absorbed by the body (absorbed by the intestinal wall) because MCFA easily penetrates the mitochondria (an organ that is in every cell of our body that functions to produce energy for the body), So that the pancreas, digestive tract, and liver can work more easily. The ease of MCFA penetrates the mitochondria, making VCO acts as an instant energy source or quickly produces energy for the body. VCO can also be a halal health food supplement. The Philippine coconut authority has even recommended VCO to overcome the corona virus problem. A Doctor from Ateneo De Manila University, Dr. Fabian M. Dayrit is one of a number of experts who have published the results of his research on the potential of VCO with its anti-virus capability to fight the corona virus (nCoV-2019), the publications can be read here.
VCO production with plastic jars

VCO filtration

VCO products
The small VCO producers especially, those who were once constrained to market their VCO, especially for export markets that require organic certification, then the current conditions become a momentum to market it especially for the domestic market. Most of the VCO producers are also home industries scale so that activities can still be carried out and in line with appeals or orders to work from home (WFH = work from home). Conducting VCO production activities amidst quarantine / lockdown at home can also be a fun, productive activity and eliminate boredom. For the VCO producer, it is also possible to process coconut water waste for nata de coco production and coconut shell for charcoal production and more macro to revive the integrated coconut industry. VCO for immune booster means that as a food supplement in order to increase endurance, it is very important especially for those identified as ODP (Insider Monitoring) and more specifically for PDP (Patient Under Supervision) status and positive confirmed corona virus infection. While for those who are healthy it is important to always maintain health and maintain endurance, especially during this pandemic.

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