Thursday, January 19, 2023

Production of Cow Dung Briquettes / Pellets as Fuel and Bioeconomy

The use of renewable energy is increasing along with global awareness of environmental and climate issues. Materials that used to be considered waste and polluted the environment, now with the concept of zero waste and circular economy, many have been converted into alternative energy or renewable energy. Large industries such as power plants, cement industry and so on have started to use this renewable energy in the framework of CO2 emission reduction or decarbonization programs. This decarbonization program is increasingly popular and is applied to various lines of life. 

As a real example is the cement industry in the UAE, namely Gulf Cement Co., which uses renewable energy from camel dung. From the results of operational trials it was found that every 2 tons of camel dung can replace 1 ton of coal. The use of animal dung as fuel is actually not a new thing for them, from ancestral stories cow dung has been used as heating or fuel, but many have not thought of camel dung. Gulf Cement Co currently uses 50 tons/day of camel dung as fuel. The UAE has a population of around 9000 camels for milk production, racing and beauty contests. Each camel produces 8 kg of manure per day, more or more than the farmer needs. Through a government program, camel breeders collect the camel dung at collection points. 

Cow dung has also been used as an energy source from the United States, Zimbabwe to China. In Indonesia this should also be done. With each cow producing an average of 15 kg of dung per day (about 2 times that of a camel), this is the same as the conditions in the UAE above, the volume of dung is more or more than what farmers need. The excess of this waste becomes an environmental problem and even has to be thrown into rivers and so on. Hundreds of tons of cow dung every day are not utilized in a number of areas in Indonesia, even though the dung can be used as fuel, especially when processed into briquettes or pellets (dried first). Compaction of cow dung into briquettes or pellets aims to obtain uniform size and shape, compactness, ease of storage and use, as well as saving on transportation costs. And to meet the needs of cement factory materials, such as briquettes / cow dung pellets are needed in large quantities, so large capacity production equipment is needed that works continuously. It is estimated that the need for pellets or briquettes is thousands to tens of thousands of tons every month.

In a cement plant there are 2 places that need heat energy: 1. calciner (where the calcination process occurs), 2. Rotary kiln (the heart of the cement factory, where the clinker is made). Renewable energy, such as briquettes or cow dung pellets, will usually be used in calciners with separate feeding points. Meanwhile, in rotary kilns that require higher heat, cement plants generally still use fossil fuels. The gradual use of renewable energy will reduce environmental pollution and accelerate the global decarbonization program. The cement plant itself can be said to be an industry that processes and destroys waste. This is because the cement plant can process waste such as slag and fly ash as an additive to the cement it produces - more details can be read here and also destroys waste, such as using cow dung as the fuel.


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