Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Finding The Best Treasure Of Energy Plantations Implementation

From Abu Said Al-Khudri said: Rasulullah SAW said: "The time will come that the best Muslim treasure is the sheep shepherded on the mountaintops and the fall of rain. By bringing his religion he runs away from some slander (Munkar or Muslim fights) ". (H.R. Bukhari)

From Abu Hurairah R.A. from the Messenger of Allah (SAW), he said: "Among the best human livelihoods, is a man who controls his horse in the way of Allah. He flies over it (he rides it up the fast way). Everytime hears the call of war he flies over it eagerly to seek death by being killed (in martyrdom) or facing death on the spot. Or a man who shepherds the sheep at the top of a mountain from the top of this mountain or the valley of some valleys. He established a sholat, gave zakat and worshiped to his Lord until death came to him. He does not interfere with man, and only do good to them. "(H.R. Muslim).

Both hadiths saheeh above explain the virtues of the sheep as the best treasure and shepherd the sheep as the livelihood or the best work after jihad. The best treasure of sheep and grazing is very possible with the implementation of energy plantation. The lands that were previously barren and unproductive can also be repaired with the leguminocea type of energy plantation trees. For more details about energy plantation can be read here. Tens of millions of hectares of land that are not or have not been utilized optimally need to be processed and optimized. This is because there are many urgent agendas today that need to be addressed, such as food sufficiency, nutrition improvement, health improvement and quality of life, creating a strong and quality generation, improving education, improving the economy, improving the environment and so on to create a glorious civilization that lights the world.
When we design and manufacture large scale energy plantationsfor the production of wood pellets, leaves can be used to feed the sheep. With a ratio of 6 trees / head / day, then with 10,000 trees / hectare and if every harvest day of 10 hectares means it can feed 17,000 sheep. Then the best treasure of the sheep also provides a large additional income. In addition, sheep can also be grazed in the area of ​​the plantation but with attention to the age of the energy trees in order to also be able to keep growing optimum not even shoots consumed sheep, as in the scenario 5F Projects For the World! Although it can be used as a single feed for sheep, but the use of gamal leaves with grass to feed the sheep will provide optimal results. The lamb is the best meat and is the world healthiest food, the lamb that is fed with leaves and grass or shepherded in the grass. Sheep fed with leaves and grass will produce Omega-6 ratios of Omega 3 (O6 / O3 ratio) in the range of 1 or balanced. The Omega-6 to Omega 3 ratio indicates the level of quality of food in terms of health, with a range of 1 at the best or balanced conditions whereas if the O6 / O3 ratio is greater then the lower the quality of the food. Meanwhile, if large livestock such as sheep are fed grains such as soybean-based O6 / O3 ratio to be large ie 13 or more. High O6 / O3 ratio will spur the onset of heart disease, cancer and other cardiovascular.
The leaves of the leguminoceae trees in the energy plantations also have a high protein content, for example gamal (gliricidae) leaf  has a protein content of about 25%. In addition, gamal (gliricidae) leaves also have a low tannin content. Tannin compounds in general will reduce protein digestibility for rumen digestion. Conversion of gamal (gliricidae) leaves with 'very' high protein content to lamb meat is also big. So sheep fed with gamal (gliricidae) leaves will have much greater weight than sheep that are not given gamal (gliricidae) leaves. The high nutritive value of gamal (gliricidae) leaves and positive effect on ruminant livestock production especially sheep puts it as ideal animal feed.
In addition to the encouragement of both the saheeh hadiths above and also the low consumption of meat in the country and also the high demand for sheep to export to Saudi Arabia which reached 8 million heads / year with 2 million during the hajj season, and the abundance of gamal (gliricidae) leaves from the energy plantation when it has been produced , has become a number of powerful thrust to get the best treasure by making sheep farms.
The destruction of agricultural lands as well as forests that are very numerous even according to FAO estimated globally has reached one third. Some have even entered the desertification phase. It is certainly alarming for human food sufficiency and other potential natural disasters. Allah SWT says in QS Ya-sin (36): 33; QS Al An'am (6): 99. And again this leguminoceae plant is meant in that verse. Leguminoceae plant roots that are able to bind nitrogen (nitrogen fixing trees) from the atmosphere that serves as a pioneer plant, the trees deliver the land that originally died / arid until eligible for overgrown for fertilizing the soil. Then with the rain falling from the clouds and the sun, the woody biomass formed and its leaves as a nutritious feed, is how energy and food formed come from 'sky'.So the importance of food and renewable energy so humans globally need to formulate and set targets to be sufficient and fulfilled as in the SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs) package. The leaves are also high in protein content that is needed for the sheep. Phosporus (P) and potassium / potassium (K) sheep droppings, with grazing in the soil, will further nourish the damaged soils, for nitrogen (N), phospour (P), and potassium (K) or NPK is an essential element of soil fertility. It is the great power of Allah who has given the 'recipe' / guidance to prosper His earth even from the condition of his death (QS Ya-sin (36): 33). It adds more faith and piety to Him like the word of Allah SWT:
"Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day there are signs for the intelligent (ulil albab). Those who remember Allah while standing or sitting or lying down and they are thinking about the creation of the heavens and the earth - (then say) 'Our Lord, you have not created this in vain, Glory to You, so guard us from the torment of hell ". (QS 3: 190-191)

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