The factor of production efficiency and standard and stable product quality is the mindset of the industry, including for the wood pellet industry from the calliandra energy plantation. Manual wood harvesting operations make production efficiency low. The high daily need for wood pellet raw materials from energy plantations requires mechanization equipments for harvesting the calliandra plantation. Meanwhile, calliandra wood pellet products with high ash content containing potassium also require certain treatments so that the wood pellet products meet the standards for power plants in general. The stability of production quality and quantity is closely related to the quality of the production equipment used. These two things must be an important concern for wood pellet producers from calliandra energy plantations with large capacity and export orientation.

The wood pellet industry from the calliandra energy plantation is new, so there are not many references. The history or the origin of this industry comes from the project of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia at that time which created an incubator-scale industry as a pilot for the production of wood pellets from the calliandra energy plantation located around Geger Hill, Bangkalan, Madura, East Java about 12 years ago. At that time, there were actually several wood pellet industries operating, but all of these wood pellet factories or industries used raw materials from wood industry waste, such as sawmill industry waste, barecore industry waste, plywood industry waste and so on.

Calliandra trees are also not new plants to the public. This tree has been widely planted but previously with different purposes, namely for reforestation, for animal feed or for honey bee farming. While for bioenergy purposes or wood pellet production, planting calliandra trees in the form of energy plantations is something new. That is why in the early stages, calliandra wood harvesting was still done manually and this was ineffective and inefficient on large-capacity plantations. In addition, the wood pellet product has not been analyzed or examined completely / comprehensively so that the high potassium content (ash chemistry) in the ash has not been detected. When the requirements for the maximum content of potassium / potassium must be met, special treatment needs to be done.

In addition, an important thing to note is the target types of products produced. If the calliandra plantation not only produces wood as raw material for wood pellet products, but also processes leaves for animal feed, then the harvesting mechanism is very influential. The leaves from the calliandra plantation must also be harvested effectively and efficiently or the same as the wood products. This could be, for example, the trees and leaves are harvested together and then taken to a place and separated to be processed individually. Or it could be that the wood and leaf products have been separated at the time of harvesting, then each goes to its respective processing unit. The equipment used must also be different according to the choice of the harvesting mechanism. Meanwhile, honey products from bee farms that utilize calliandra nectar are not affected by this mechanism, this is a separate honey production process and is related to the flowering season of the calliandra tree itself.

Along with the global decarbonization trend, the prospects for calliandra plantations are increasingly bright. It is predicted that many calliandra plantations will be created, which are intended primarily for bioenergy production such as wood pellet production, and this is in line with the carbon neutral scenario that supports the net zero emission program. The use of wood pellets is mainly for fuel in coal-fired power plants through the cofiring mechanism. In the next stage, it is possible to use 100% of the power plant fuel using wood pellets (fulfiring). The high potassium content is generally a problem in applications for this power plant, although there are types of power plants that technically do not have a problem with the potassium content, but the production of wood pellets from calliandra with low potassium content is certainly preferred.